Chapter Seventy-Four

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Peter had finally grabbed hold of a wand and while his good hand was terribly shaky, he did his best to keep it steady in order to heal the side of Milo's neck. Unfortunately, the robes were doing nothing but soaking up the blood but it didn't help stop anything. The boy was falling quiet and his grip had loosened as his hand fell limp. His body continued to convulse and he was struggling to look over at Peter, surprised that the man was attempting to help him. The man was still bleeding out from his own wounds as he attempted to mend any of the injuries but it wasn't working. 

"Won'"Milo whispered to him, "you can't heal a werewolf ...bite...scratch..."

His eyes were closing but Peter tapped the side of his face to keep the boy conscious. "Milo, stay awake!" He told him. "What do I do? What should I do?"

"Silver...dittany..." Milo said under his breath, " seals...seals...I'm really cold, Peter."

Peter choked back a sob as he tried to get the boy to remain conscious but he couldn't really offer anything. Milo was slipping away right before his very eyes and the man didn't know what do, it seemed Milo was more knowledgeable than him, but the boy couldn't keep his eyes open. 

"D-d-don't tell, U-Uncle Remus," Milo instructed Peter, bringing the man to look down at him. "Don't let Remus know he did this. Make something up, please."

That was going to be a hard lie to come up with and play along with, mainly because it was going to be quite obvious that Milo suffered a werewolf attack especially since normal healing spells weren't working. Peter pulled away the robes to observe the wound closer, but he couldn't see anything in the poor lighting, not to mention the pool of blood that surrounded it. 

"Don't tell him, Peter, please!" Milo begged him before he fell into a coughing fit and turned his head back to the side to spit out the blood. Peter was afraid to call out, thinking that Remus would make a second appearance to finish the job, but he needed to get Milo help fast and in that moment, he was quite useless as he couldn't move his lower half. Either way, with the situation they were both in, they were as good as dead if Peter didn't act right away. Lifting up his wand, Peter sent out a bright light that rocketed into the air above them to signal where they were, before looking back down at Milo.

The boy was still and his eyes were closed, he was still breathing, but his breaths were becoming so shallow that they were almost non-existent. "Milo?! Milo?!" It may not have been the best solution but he shook the boy trying to get another response out of him. He could see Milo's lips moving but he couldn't hear a thing that the boy was saying. Leaning closer to get a better listen, Peter was able to catch the end of Milo's words.

"...I want my mum..."

Peter heard movement behind him, causing him to cry out and he jerked his head to look. He expected it to be Remus, but any hope in his mind hoped that it was Sirius or Elspeth or someone else coming to help. However, it was none of them and instead, perched in a tree above them was a rather large owl. Looking away as his eyes burned, Peter continued to shake Milo's body trying to get Milo to stay awake and stay with him. All throughout the forest, he could hear movement, but none of it ever seemed to be close enough to them.

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