Chapter Seventy-Six

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Being in the presence of so many gods and goddesses was overwhelming, to say the least, but Milo just found himself incredibly fascinated with all the new faces being presented to him. However, his joy to be meeting so many, faded as he focused on the idea that the personification of Death himself, Thanatos had been the one to reside of Voldemort during the wizard's childhood.  Perhaps the god wasn't fully to blame for the outcome of the Dark Wizard, but he certainly played his role, Nyx seemed to point that out multiple times. However, she had admitted to dropping her protection of the Black family because the majority of them sided with Voldemort's ideals. 

Now all the families were being warned of a darkness that would be looming over them in the times to come. Many of them, especially Arthur and Molly looked incredibly worried, wondering what they were going to have to face. Tired, hurt, and slightly broken, Milo leaned against his mother and let out a heavy sigh before shaking his head.

"What exactly is the darkness that is coming?" Milo asked as those he knew were making their way over to him.  Minerva wrapped her arms around him with worried looked. 

"I suspect it is another war, Milo. One worse than the ones that have taken place before and that is saying something," she informed him. "We are gathered here in order to form an alliance and work together, rather than be separate from each other like we have been for so long."

Professor Sprout came over to Minerva's side, wearing a warm smile looking very happy to see Milo and Minerva. "It's so odd how we all been so close to each other at some point in our lives, but it all comes down to this moment."

"No one knew?" Milo questioned. "No one was aware of the other having a god or goddess presiding over them? Not even the least bit suspicious."

"I believe there was always one who seemed highly suspicious," Minerva answered looking over in the direction of Elspeth, who stood with Hades, her head held low. "But I believe she always suspected it first because she works very closely with her guardian. Closer than any of us, mainly because the rest of us were granted the protection with some benefits, but not so much the manipulation of their abilities. It all makes sense now. I've known so many of these faces since they were children and now I've discovered why they were able to get away with so much."

Milo looked in the direction of Lily and James, who had yet to approach. James looked as though he was trying to get Lily to walk over but she was shaking her head, on the verge of tears. With Professor Sprout checking to see if Minerva was alright, Milo felt confident enough to leave her side and make his way over to his parents. 

"Milo!" He could feel his father's embrace and it pained him to know that he couldn't feel it every day like he did there. He wished he could share that experience with Harry, or at least let Harry seen them. "I'm so proud of you, look at you...tonight, it was amazing to witness mean, the Snivellus part-"

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