Chapter Seventy-Two

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Faced with the person who was responsible for the death of his parents, Milo wasn't sure how to react in that moment as he stood there, staring at the ugly man that cowered on the ground.Just like how the rat shivered, Peter trembled as his old friends stood before him, although they wore no smiles on their face as they greeted him. Peter looked around the room, hoping that someone looked at him with some form of mercy, but no one in the room looked at him in such a way. Although Remus feigned a pleasantness to his voice as he spoke to Peter for the first time outside of the rat form.

"Well, hello, Peter, long time, no see."

"S—Sirius... R—Remus...My friends... my old friends..." The man stammered and instantly, it seemed the same rage that overcame Sirius, overcame Milo as well. Remus was next to Sirius to stop the man from attacking but it was Cedric, who had to stop Milo from attacking the man.

"How dare you?! How dare killed them! You had them killed, they're dead because of you!" The boy screeched as Cedric grabbed him by the waist and held him back. He had to seize the boy to get him to stop as Milo was flailing hoping to get a swing in at the man. "You son of-"

Elspeth crossed the room, sending a growl near Peter's ear that caused the man to let out a high-pitched gasping noise in fear that she was going to do something. She made her way over to Milo and pulled him away from Cedric gently and into a tight hug. "It's alright, Milo, it's alright..." she whispered to him. "He'll get what's coming to him, I promise. We'll make sure of it, he won't get away with his crimes."

"We've been having a little chat, Peter," Remus continued, once the situation had become calm again," about what happened the night Lily and James died. You might have missed the finer points while you were squeaking around down there on the bed—"

"Remus, you don't believe him, do you...? He tried to kill me, Remus..." Peter attempted to reason with him, making Milo struggle even harder in his godmother's arms. 

"So we've heard, I'd like to clear up one or two little matters with you, Peter if you'd be so—"

"He's come to try and kill me again!" He pointed at Sirius, only to make it quite obvious that his finger was indeed missing. "He killed Lily and James and now he's going to kill me too... You've got to help me, Remus..."

"You're a liar!" Milo managed to scream out at him. "The evidence is clear! You can't even lie your way out of this. He should have killed you, all those years ago, you should have died instead of our parents. If they won't do it, you can bet I will, I'll do it myself-"

Elspeth placed her hand over Milo's mouth to get him to stop, her eyes burning with tears as she could feel Milo's pain. He was trying to cover up his pain with anger, knowing fully well that Milo couldn't harm even the smallest of creatures, it just wasn't in his nature to do so.

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