Chapter Fifty-Four

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"Mum, I'm so sorry," Milo whispered in Lily's direction as the kitten patronus he conjured, finally faded and the two were left standing in the dark. He wouldn't say that he was embarrassed but easily mortified that his form didn't take to the usual Potter's stag or doe. His mother didn't say anything right away, as Lily continued to stare off into the distance. He had to assume that it hurt the woman's feelings, of all the memories that brought Milo the most happiness, it was a memory he shared with his adopted mother. Which of course, made things completely awkward as he stood with his biological mother in the clearing. 

Eventually, Lily finally turned to face him, still looking rather confused as her eyebrows were nearly fused together and her lips slightly parted as she met his gaze. "Why are you sorry, Milo?"

The boy had a tendency of apologising for things out of his control and this was certainly one of those times. He couldn't control what form his patronus would just like how one couldn't control what the outcome of their animagus form would be. It was all based on love and personality, and right now, it was clear that Milo's love for his adopted mother had beat out the standards of the Potter family.

"It should have been a stag, right? Or a doe?" Milo answered her as one hand moved to twirl a lock of his hair nervously. "I must have done something wrong. M-m-maybe I-I need to focus on a d-different memory. I can do that-"

"Milo," Lily quickly realised that it was her reaction that caused the celebration to be short-lived. She could have been practically jumping for joy that Milo had accomplished what he had been working so hard at. But instead, she let a little monster called jealousy take over for a few seconds. In the afterlife, she only wished for the best for her boys, but often times, she wished it was herself that was there for her sons.

She would never be able to thank Minerva or Molly enough for acting as mothers to her boys when no one else would. But the two women were able to share times and memories that their sons admired and sometimes Lily believed that she would be forgotten. Minerva's influence on Milo was clear that if anyone didn't know the true story behind everything, they probably wouldn't have any trouble believing that Milo was truly the woman's  son. 

It pained Lily in that moment to see her firstborn call another woman mother over her, but she couldn't blame Milo certainly and she couldn't be angry at Minerva for actually loving the boy like he was her own. 

"You have nothing to be sorry for, sweetheart," she whispered to him, trying to mask her sudden want to cry as she walked over and pulled him into a hug, "you did so well. Your patronus was beautiful and something to be proud of, not something to be ashamed of."

Milo stood there as she hugged him, a silence washing over the two for a few moments before he spoke again. "Then why are you crying?"

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