Chapter Thirty-Three

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Milo could be the first to admit, even though he didn't care, but he was puzzled by how no one n Cedric's dorm ever made mention of him sleeping in Cedric's bed. Of course, the two boys were not obviously cuddling in front of them, Cedric would normally wait until his dorm mates were gone before he pulled Milo into him. Even then, it never really lasted for long because by then they would have to get up for the day. But Milo certainly enjoyed those moments and since his little moment of jealousy, it seemed that Cedric had taken to reminding him that he had nothing to be jealous of. The girls could say what they wanted about him but it didn't mean he was saying the same things in return.

Cedric had no interest in them, his full attention in those respects was solely on Milo, although he couldn't deny that it was slightly flattering to see a jealous Milo. But he would give Milo little reminders throughout the day. Whether it was holding Milo close during the few minutes in the morning, or catching Milo off guard with a kiss during the day when no one else was around. 

Eventually, someone outside of Katie and those who actually knew about their relationship were going to catch on. At least, that's what Milo believed but Cedric didn't seem all too bothered by the idea anymore. If anything he had returned to his usual confident self, so did that mean that time was coming where Cedric was just going to be incredibly honest with everyone? Milo wasn't sure but only time would tell. In the meantime, the boy was stuck with worrying about other things. 

It seemed every time Milo tried to get something done on his own, something came up that called for his attention, whether it was quidditch practice where he couldn't get a moment alone with Elspeth or if it was the fact that Remus wasn't in class for a few days. Of course, Milo understood why the man was gone, lycanthropy definitely took its toll days leading up to the full moon and days after. He wished he could be there for Remus in many ways, but he wasn't even close to finishing the animagus training. He had yet to collect the dew and getting into the Forbidden Forest again was proving to be mission impossible. If only he had been left the Invisibility Cloak from their father. 

However, that slipped his mind when Harry, Ron, and Hermione approached him during one afternoon to tell him about Professor Snape, who had taken over the Defence Against the Dark Arts class in Remus' absence. Milo reassured him that it wouldn't last long, that they wouldn't have to deal with the man in two classes for the entire rest of term, however,  there was something that annoyed Milo greatly. 

"Kappas are more commonly found in Mongolia," Ron said in a mocking voice, quite bitter after receiving detention with Snape for absolutely no apparent reason. 

"What did you say?"

The whole table grew quiet as all eyes fell on Milo, wondering what Ron had done to offend the boy so suddenly. "I-I-I was just repeating what Professor Snape said-"

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