Chapter Forty-Four

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Paden did as he was told after Milo left, he guarded the Mandrake leaf with his life, ready to fight against any opposing forces. However, with the majority of students gone for the holidays, there wasn't really much to defend against. He was the only animal left inside the dorms and it was silent for the most part as everyone was either in the common room or walking about the castle in their free time. It did leave Paden to grow a little bored as Milo didn't return right away and he wondered where the boy had gone and why he didn't get to go?

After a few minutes, Paden stared down at the leaf that he clutched in his long appendages before glancing around the room. It was clear and there was no one there to tell him no. Convincing himself that Milo wouldn't mind, Paden let out a loud chirp before he started waving the leaf around like a small flag. He chirped loudly, blew raspberries, and waved the hell out of the leaf as he leapt from bed to bed in the dorm room. 

It was Cedric who had heard all the commotion coming from the one dorm room as he was sitting on his bed, reading to himself. He knew there was only one creature, besides Milo, who could chirp at such a high-pitch, making him wonder what Paden was up to? Pushing himself up, Cedric set his book aside and made his way towards Milo's dorm room. As soon as he peered inside, he witnessed Paden throwing himself a little party, alone in the room. He had never witnessed the bowtruckle with so much energy, it was like watching a hyperactive child race around a room after ingesting a good amount of caffeine. 

"Er...Paden, what exactly are you doing, mate?"

The bowtruckle froze, almost in mid-air before falling onto one of the beds and rolling off by accident. Cedric hurried over to see that Paden had decided to hide under the same bed, leaving him more than confused as Paden was never one to be shy after so long. Then again, it would sound hypocritical to anyone since Cedric was the one who had suddenly become shy around Milo again. 

After his encounter with meeting Artemis and discovering that he and Milo were destined soulmates, Cedric wasn't sure how to react. It was comforting to know that it was always meant to be and it was more than comforting to know they had a blessing of a goddess when it came to their relationship, but soulmates just seemed like a massive step from where they had been. He was just getting used to the idea of telling friends and his family about the two seeing each other. Mainly it was about him, trying to figure out what his sexuality was in the beginning, it didn't matter to him as long as he could see Milo in the same light. But it seemed it was destined to happen all along. 

That was frightening to Cedric because it was almost like the added pressure that it had to work out between him and Milo. If it didn't, it would be all his fault, wouldn't it? Not that he saw anything going wrong, he was just so wrapped up in the idea of what could go wrong, versus all the things that could definitely go right. So rather than Milo being the shy one in their relationship, it seemed the tables had turned.  

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