Chapter Fifty

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The mandrake leaf was one of the most terrible experiences of Milo's life when it came to tasting anything. He had tasted horrible food before, been forced to swallow terrible medicines when he was ill or injured, but nothing compared to the taste of the sour leaf that he had stored in his left cheek. It was nauseating within the first few hours, his mouth wasn't sure what to do as it continued to over salivate to compensate, so he couldn't help but drool several times. Not to mention trying to figure out a comfortable position for it in his mouth was proving to be extremely difficult. If he coughed or sneezed, he almost risked it falling out of his mouth but he couldn't afford to do that, if the leaf left his mouth, he was going to have to get a new one and start all over again. 

He was glad that he waited until after Christmas to stick the leaf in his mouth or Christmas would have been nothing short of terrible for him. He really needed the holiday to feel better after all the drama that continued to go down. He still wasn't talking to Harry and he didn't even bother with getting the boy a gift that year, but his friends and other members of his family certainly made it worthwhile. 

Molly had sent Milo another Weasley jumper, another yellow one that looked equally as comfortable to wear as the last one. He wore it all throughout Christmas, especially when he went to visit his mother in her quarters of the castle. Her surprise was that he was going to be allowed to take part in the internship that Newt had offered as well as a box full of Milo's favourite things, including new reading material. His friends and Cedric got him an assortment of things from quidditch gear, to sweets, all of which he appreciated. 

Cedric had apologised for not being able to get him much, but he didn't have any money really to his name after his parents had decided that until he changed his mind about liking boys that they weren't going to support him. Milo told him not to worry that he had no problem with it at all and that he was just glad that he could spend Christmas with Cedric comfortably. The previous year, the two boys were still trying to figure out their feelings, wondering if the other felt the same way or if they should just keep it to themselves.

But things had certainly changed, not only were they able to be around each other without worrying, their closest friends and their family knew, with the exception of Harry. Milo wanted to tell him, but at the same time, he really didn't want to talk to Harry during Christmas because he didn't want any of the moments ruined. It sounded harsh and cruel but Milo just needed to focus on himself instead of worrying about how Harry felt all the time. 

After all, the reason he couldn't produce his patronus was that he wasn't in the right state of mind. The twins and Lee had all managed theirs, leaving Milo even more frustrated even if that wasn't the proper solution to his problems. Of course, they wouldn't tell him what their patronus forms were either, wanting to make a big reveal out of all of it when Milo finally figured his out. 

He had been working on it every night in the dorms while he still had the chance with his dormmates gone for the holidays. However, even with Cedric encouraging him and trying to keep him in the best of moods it didn't seem to be working all that well. Not to mention, the leaf wasn't leaving Milo in the best of moods either. But Cedric was never one to give up. On the evening of Christmas after the big feast, he had one more trick up his sleeve.

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