Chapter Seventy-One

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Milo could read the disbelief written across the faces of Harry, Ron, and Hermione, not to mention Cedric just looked as though his brain had melted. The poor bastard had just been studying like hell, had to go through his O.W.L exams and now he was being dragged into a completely different mess that didn't necessarily involve him. Milo was going to have to make it up to him by getting the boy one hell of a birthday or Christmas gift, perhaps both. However, Cedric didn't falter and didn't point his finger calling Milo a traitor. Instead, he remained quiet, listening to everything that everyone was saying to make sure he wasn't missing a second. 

"What d'you mean—of course he's a rat—" Ron said, looking at the men as if they had gone completely mad.

"No, he's not, he's a wizard," Remus explained before Sirius added on.

"An Animagus by the name of Peter Pettigrew."

Milo was still feeling slightly bitter about Hermione basically calling him a traitor for not confirming the werewolf thing, not to mention the way she painted him as a traitor as well.

"Come on, Hermione, you should have gone over animagi in my mum's class, she covers it the third year, why didn't you pick up on that?" He asked her with a mocking tone, leaving the girl to glare in his direction. She claimed that it was all ridiculous while Ron called them all mental for even considering such an absurd statement. 

"Peter Pettigrew's dead!" Harry snapped at them.He killed him twelve years ago!"

Milo was rolling up his sleeve since it seemed nothing was getting through his brother's head, he was truly preparing himself to smack some sense into his brother's head. Sirius confessed that while he wanted to kill Peter, he had missed out on his chance. That was before he lunged at Scabbers, landing right on the boy's broken leg and causing him to cry out in pain. 

"Sirius, NO! WAIT! You can't do it just like that—they need to understand—we've got to explain—" Remus pulled Sirius off and pushed him back towards Elspeth. He claimed that Harry and Ron deserved an explanation, considering Scabbers had played a role as Ron's pet for years and Harry deserved the full story. If it was up to Milo in that moment, he was siding with Sirius in that moment, Peter didn't deserve shit and there was no story to be given until Peter had suffered the kiss of a dementor.

But Sirius allowed Remus to tell the story before he turned to Elspeth and began apologising profusely to the woman. He told her that he was going to make everything up to her and promised her the world when everything was handled. It was taking everything in Elspeth not to start crying as she just nodded her head and pulled him into a hug. 

"There were witnesses who saw Pettigrew die. A whole street full of them..." Harry told Remus, trying to have the man realise how stupid his explanation sounded.

"They didn't see what they thought they saw!" Sirius pulled away from Elspeth, looking fully prepared to lunge at Scabbers again. The rat was trembling terribly in Ron's hands and all Milo wanted to do was drag the rat out of his form.

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