Chapter Nine

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Milo was thrilled that Elspeth was released from St. Mungo's so rapidly, as there was actually nothing wrong with her. As she explained to him when asked, she had been merely spooked by the dark shadows of her room and it left her to faint. When she fell to the floor, she hit her head, leaving her unconscious despite everyone trying to wake her up before they brought her to the Healers. But she seemed to be in much better spirits after she returned, Milo assumed something must have happened although she didn't claim anything to be different. Harry went back under her care, but it wouldn't be for much longer as the boy was going to spend the remaining time with Ron Weasley and his family in London until school started up again. 

Time seemed to move too fast for Milo's liking but he was more than happy with the time that he was able to spend with his brother. Cedric and Harry seemed to get along for the most part as well, despite the most awkward interactions between the two. At least they had something in common with having Milo there. He was important to the two of them, so they were able to make small talk whenever Milo left them alone for a minute. Unfortunately, with the summer drawing to an end and the term starting up soon, Milo had one thing on his mind and that was whether or not to share the information with Harry about his godparents. 

It would have been different if they shared the same godfather, but that wasn't the case and if Harry started to put the pieces together about Elspeth, Sirius, perhaps he would even find out about Silas. That wasn't his business to tell but it was all eating up Milo on the inside because he didn't want to keep a secret from his brother. But he also hadn't informed Harry about his interactions with their parents and the discussion of the Ceryneian Hind. Mainly because if their parents hadn't approached the younger Potter about it, perhaps it wasn't the time to do so. 

The problem was, Cedric knew more than Harry did and if Hary found that out, it would cause so much hell because Milo would look like nothing more than a hypocrite to his little brother. But there was so much information to tell Harry, Milo didn't even know where to begin. He wanted to ask his mother, but she was busy preparing for the upcoming term, Cedric didn't know how to proceed as he claimed he couldn't talk since he was hiding a secret of his own from his parents, leaving Milo to wonder if he should just approach Elspeth about the whole matter. 

However, it was too late for that one afternoon, just before Harry was preparing to return to the Leaky Cauldron as there was a strong knock at the door. Milo was left to answer it, abandoning the game of Wizards' Chess that he had been playing against Cedric. But as he opened the door, he immediately saw Elspeth with an apologetic expression before Harry made his way to stand in front of her to face his brother.  

"You lied to me," Harry said angrily, his voice quivered slightly but his expression was full of hurt as the corners of his eyes drooped slightly as he peered up at Milo. "Why...why wouldn't you tell me-"

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