Chapter Thirty-Four

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Sitting in the locker room, Milo and the rest of the Hufflepuff quidditch team could hear the sound of the crowd forming in the stands as students and faculty were coming to watch even in the piss poor weather. Rain or shine, it never seemed to determine anyone who was willing to watch a quidditch match and for the students of Hogwarts, it was practically everyone. Perhaps it was because the school really didn't have any other sports, there were plenty of other extracurricular activities but none of them were sports. No matter what, the stands were never empty. 

Just running down to the pitch had left the majority of the team soaked, so they definitely knew what to expect. Cedric had already taken the time to charm Milo's glasses for the match so he wasn't playing blind. There wasn't much of a rally or a pep talk that he could give to his team in that moment. He had already said it a million times before, even before he became captain. The Hufflepuff team gave it everything they got and if it was enough for the time being it was great if not there would always be other opportunities. Milo was sure that wasn't the speech that was being given in the other locker room as he had witnessed Oliver's nerves clearly in the Great Hall that morning. 

After seeing a brolly whip past the entrance of the locker room, Cedric faced his team with a smile.

"Everyone ready to play a good match?"

Milo loved the rain, he liked listening to it as he fell asleep, he liked watching raindrops trail down the glass of windows pretending that they were often racing towards some invisible finish line that he drew himself, and he loved the smell of the outside after it rained. However, he did not like playing in the cold rain and as soon as they stepped out onto the pitch, he shivered. As much as Paden wanted to tag along for the match, Milo thought it would be best to leave the bowtruckle behind in the warmth of the Hufflepuff dorms. He did not need Paden catching a cold. Paden gave a bit of protest, clinging to Milo's quidditch uniform but eventually, he reluctantly settled back onto Milo's pillow and buried himself under Milo's duvet. 

But just as he was getting to leave, Milo could hear the bowtruckle blow a raspberry in discontent. Milo had read plenty about bowtruckles but none of the textbooks every spoke about how sassy the creatures could be. Maybe, just maybe, he would have to write his own textbook about it. 

At one point, a strong gust of wind just blew Milo over like he was a piece of paper, it brought him to laugh a bit as he landed in a puddle as the rest of the quidditch team looked on in amusement. It was Heidi and Cedric that pulled the boy up to his feet, but now he was shivering terribly. None of them had their wands on them to dry him off and they didn't have much time to head back to the locker room. Instead, Heidi had a better idea.

"Alright!" She called out. "You know the drill! Hufflepuff huddle!"

It certainly caught the attention of Oliver Wood, who was leading his team out, expecting that the team was getting into some weird formation or possibly about to discuss a new move that he wasn't familiar with. But the team was just holding a group hug in order to warm up one of the Chasers.  Milo felt warm but he felt incredibly warm as Cedric's hug lingered longer than the others for a few seconds. 

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