Chapter Fifteen

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"Alright, well, I hope you three enjoyed your time off during the summer," Milo began as he had Fred, George, and Lee back in his company, "because play time is over, gentlemen."

"Aww, Mum, five more minutes," George pouted with a whiny tone in order to taunt Milo and his motherly tone. The boy glanced over in the direction of the three and suddenly, the laughing and taunting came to an abrupt end. Apparently, Milo was not joking around, the boys didn't understand that he desperately needed the distraction more so than anything to keep his mind off his own personal issues. 

Remus' schedule quickly became busy within the first few days of classes, considering he was a professor and while he welcomed Milo to come speak in private with him in his office, Milo decided against it. His godfather had his own problems, dealing with lycanthropy was no easy task, and as Milo had read up on it, stress made it all the worse when it came to full moon transitions. He didn't want to put any added stress on top of the stress that Remus already placed on himself. The two were very similar in the aspects of not seeing how great they were because they couldn't see how others viewed them for themselves. 

The two both had their insecurities, living in the shadow of something, whether it was Lycanthropy or the idea of living in the shadow of The Boy Who Lived's older brother. They didn't think they were good enough because of the hand they had been dealt in life, but of course, everyone around them that knew them personally knew otherwise. It seemed to be a good fit between godfather and godson, but they both needed someone to pull them out of their ruts when their harmful thoughts became too strong for them to fight off. 

For the time being, Remus had Elspeth and the distraction of his teaching, while Milo had his friends and the distraction of his classes and his animagus training. They were temporary solutions because the permanent solution to the problem would be to see themselves in better lighting. They had to see themselves the way other people viewed them and then they would truly find their happiness. But for the time being, distractions and friends were more than enough to keep them going at a steady pace in life. They had their moments of setbacks and days where they couldn't even bring themselves to look in the mirror, but at least they had support. 

"Honestly, we have a lot of work to do and none of it is simple in the slightest, thankfully, I mapped it out and using the skills that each of us presents, we actually may be able to pull this off sooner than expected," Milo said with a small smile. 

It had taken his father, along with Sirius Black and Peter Pettigrew nearly three years to pull off the process and under Dumbledore's teaching it had taken his mother a school year. Milo didn't anticipate it to take as long as it did with the Marauders, mainly because they had to do everything on their own. But they had paved the way for others to attempt the same and with an actual Marauder on the castle grounds, along with Milo's mother being the Transfiguration professor, it was probably going to be a lot easier as long as they were committed. 

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