Chapter Sixty-Three

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Milo and Cedric were left speechless as the two tore away from each other, creating as much distance between them as possible in the small space. Paden quickly buried himself under Milo's covers, feeling the secondhand embarrassment stronger than any magical force that could be produced in the magical world. Harry had yet to say anything as it seemed that he had fallen into a state of shock and Cedric looked as though he was going to be sick. However, for Milo, he couldn't tell whether he was relieved or mortified. He had been wanting to inform Harry of the truth for quite some time, but he could never figure out the proper moment to do so, after all, he never knew what Harry's reaction was going to be on the subject.

The more people that knew the less it would be a secret and Milo wouldn't have to keep hiding and neither would Cedric. Of course, it was Cedric that wanted to take the matters of announcing it slower, but how long could they keep it up with more and more people knowing? Milo didn't think for very long and there was no telling how Harry was going to react and what he was going to do with said information. Cedric's dreaded expression appeared as though he was going through every possible horrible scenario in his head, leaving Milo to turn back to his brother. It was time to just be honest and face the consequences.

"I-I-I'm s-sorry," Harry stammered before Milo could say anything, "I didn't mean to interrupt!"

The boy was flushed red in the face, his glasses slid down his nose that he didn't even bother to push up before he spun around to hurry off. However, it didn't work as well for Harry as the boy crashed nose first into the frame of the door. Cedric and Milo flinched as he let out a painful cry, both hands holding his face as the burning sensation caused his eyes to water profusely. Milo quickly made his way over and guided Harry to sit down on his bed to examine his brother's nose to make sure nothing was broken.

Fortunately, the boy wasn't bleeding and his nose only appeared slightly red. "It's going to be alright," Milo told him, "a bit swollen by the looks of it but nothing broken and you're not bleeding which is great."

"So-sorry," Harry whispered to him as the two brothers made eye contact. "I should have just waited in the common room-"

"Harry, please," Milo cut him off, " you don't have anything to be sorry about when it comes to this."

It was quiet for a moment as Harry looked from Milo over to Cedric, who seemed to be hiding in the corner of the room, not daring to look at either one of them for the time being. After a couple of lingering seconds, he turned back to face Milo as he cleared his throat. "So, you two are actually-"

It appeared that Harry didn't know what terminology to use in that moment as he stumbled over several words in his mind but continued to shake his head to dismiss them. Eventually, he could only come up with another final, yet blunt question.

"You like boys?"

Perhaps if the moment wasn't so incredibly tense, Milo would have laughed at his brother's question but instead, he could only muster a smile before sitting next to Harry. His brother's green eyes trailed over him, waiting for the answer, only to witness Milo nod his head in response.

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