Chapter Twenty-Two

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Leave it to Draco Malfoy to ruin a good thing by not only listening but disrespecting a hippogriff to the point where it felt the need to attack. Milo had only heard accounts of the situation from other students, mainly Neville who had witnessed the entire thing. The boy had yet to talk to his brother, Hermione, or Ron about the class but the three seemed to be keeping their distance. Milo thought about informing Hermione and Ron that he wasn't upset with either one of them and they could still talk, but he was sure that they sided with Harry on the matter. But it was nice to have Neville who could still keep him informed. 

Despite Milo being irritated with how his brother had been treating him, it didn't mean he cared less about Harry. He still loved his little brother more than anything, there wasn't anything that could change that. Not even a goddess telling Milo that his brother's blood with tainted.

Unsure of what the verdict was going to be when the school governors learned about the incident, Milo hoped that they would see past the idea that Draco had been the one at fault. If other students could handle the responsibility without any problems, it was more than obvious that the creature was provoked. He could only imagine what Newt was going to think if he found out about what happened. The plan had been to write a letter to the magizoologist and tell him about his first experience with hippogriffs, especially with Fleetwing, who was a remarkable creature in his eyes. 

But Milo figured that he would be the one to disclose the bad news to the man if he hadn't learned about it already. However, the letter was going to have to wait as Milo found himself to be in the centre of his own drama. 

The Hufflepuff quidditch team had gathered for practice and it was after Milo had stood up the opportunity to talk to Cedric, which made it so very awkward. Milo wasn't in the mood for any sort of practice, especially when he knew that Cedric was watching him. He knew that it was probably not the best thing to flat out Cedric, it certainly wasn't solving any of their problems. Yet, if Milo didn't like what he had to say and if Cedric didn't like what Milo had to say, they were just going to be stuck in the same predicament as before. 

Although whenever Milo made a goal, he had to admit that he was disappointed when he didn't hear Cedric call him "handsome" or the lack of support that always came from the boy when they were out on the pitch. The team could sense the awkwardness between the two, especially Heidi and Max, the two girls that were aware of the problem, unlike the rest of the team. Things were still able to function as a team but there wasn't the same "family" essence that was commonly found within the team.

After practice, Milo sat in the locker room despite the fact that they were all supposed to head back to the castle together as a group. They didn't want students going anywhere by themselves, especially outside of the castle on the grounds. Sirius Black was still at large and while Milo had his doubts about the man's criminal record, the rest of the world with the exception of Elspeth saw him as a dangerous mass murderer. 

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