Chapter Twenty-Four

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Heidi and Max could definitely tell that things were different between Cedric and Milo when they had returned from their classes, mainly because both boys were in the company of each other, wearing smiles and looking happier than ever. Heidi decided that if they had something to tell her and Max that she could wait until they said something, but for the time being, the girls were just thrilled to see that the boys were in a good mood. Milo was sitting on the floor, near Cedric's feet as the other boy was sitting on the sofa, listening to Milo discussing Jarveys and his idea of how to train one. Cedric wore a pleasant smile on his face and Max swore she had seen the boy petting Milo's hair as they walked in, but his hands were currently settled in his lap. 

They greeted the two and Cedric and Milo greeted the two casually in return as if nothing was up. Without saying anything, Heidi and Max exchanged knowing glances and told the boys that they would be up in the girls' dorm until dinner time. It left the two alone again but with other students coming in and out of the common room, the affectionate touching was over between the two. Milo perfectly understood why.

It was enough in that moment that Cedric had confessed to his parents, the next big announcement to their peers could certainly wait. Gradually, Milo was sure they could figure it out on their own, but for the time being, both boys were relieved that one of the biggest bumps had been conquered. Milo had informed his mother and Cedric had informed his parents and while the reactions were vastly different between their guardians, both boys were thrilled to just say that they had actually done it. No matter what the reactions were, they no longer felt like they were lying to themselves. 

Now that Cedric was back in Milo's good graces, there was plenty that he had to catch up on as he had missed on out on plenty since the two boys had pretty much stopped talking since the summer. Milo felt as though it was the right time to confide in Cedric about his animagus training that he had been working on. He didn't mention Fred, Lee, or George working on it with him. Just in case, he planned on protecting his friend's name should he ever get caught. At first, Cedric didn't seem to be the biggest fan of the idea, recalling the day that Milo collapsed on the edge of the Forbidden Forest, it certainly made sense why the boy was risking heading out during that time. He had just passed it up as Milo trying to catch a glimpse of the unicorn herd or something.

But when Milo gave him his reasoning as to why he wanted to do it, as it would help his career further, Cedric couldn't bring himself to argue. 

"Your mother is going to kill you if she finds out you're doing this, you know that, right?" Cedric questioned as Paden was crawling through his hair.

 No one was happier than Paden to have the two reunited. He had been counting down the time where the two would just need to fall on each other once more. Cedric had given his reason as to why he was upset but when he questioned Milo, the boy didn't say anything pertaining to the boggart lesson. He just informed Cedric had he had a rough day. 

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