Chapter Forty-Three

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Harry looked terrible on the first day at the start of the holidays and as much as Milo wanted to approach him, it was Ron and Hermione who approached him first. They claimed that Harry was furious, maybe not so much with Milo but the entire situation itself. Of course, to find out that once again, his older brother had lucked out with everything while he was left to suffer, it was beginning to get old with Harry. Milo had the chance to escape the Dursleys, he had grown up in a happy household surrounded by love and magic. He was also fortunate to have both of his godparents and not discover one of them was a murderous traitor to the family. It seemed bad things seemed to plague Harry and he was expected to just be happy about it all?

He didn't blame Milo but every time he looked at his brother, it was a reminder of everything he didn't have. Everything he could've had if things worked out differently the night that everything went to hell. What if Voldemort had gone after Milo instead of him? What if Milo was given the lightning bolt scar on his forehead? Harry shook his head to clear the thoughts, he was envious of his brother's life, but he wouldn't wish what he experienced on anyone. But Harry was going beyond just being angry, as the two explained to Milo, the boy was seeking revenge on Sirius. He wanted to make the man pay for what he believed Sirius did to their family. 

But to add onto the stress of the holidays, Milo had received a letter from Newt Scamander, he was hoping that it was Newt just following up with details pertaining to the internship, but as Milo sat in the Owlery, the boy was silent as he read the letter over. There was no smile on his face, no jitters of excitement racing through his body, instead, he was plagued with a frown and a firm grip on his hair as he pulled at it. Unfortunately, Newt's word didn't hold any merit with the school governors, or rather they didn't hold any merit with Lucius Malfoy as Buckbeak was going to be given a trial with the Committee for the Disposal of Magical Creatures. 

Every aspiring and employed magizoologist's worst nightmare.

The Christmas holidays were not off to a good start. The only thing that Milo could say that he was truly happy about was the fact that Artemis had accepted Cedric and allowed him to learn the Potter secret. For Milo to hear that he had met his soul mate so early in life, it left him quite bashful around Cedric since the moment, but it wasn't a bad thing. Cedric was also feeling quite shy compared to his usual. Of course, they were fully aware that they liked each other quite a bit but the discussion of love and soulmates, that was a lot for a couple of teenagers to take it. 

Nonetheless, Milo was happy that he didn't have to hide that from Cedric anymore, but he wondered how much Cedric was going to learn about Artemis and the Ceryneian Hind. Did it mean that Cedric was now under the protection similar to him and how the rest of the Potters had been during their lifetime, he didn't get a chance to ask before Artemis vanished inconveniently.  But she made sure to go over the rules with Cedric, meaning the boy was not allowed to tell anyone about what he witnessed or heard. It meant that he couldn't disclose it among any of his friends or even his family, which Cedric joked around sadly that he didn't have a family to tell. 

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