Chapter Seventy-Seven

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If the gods and goddesses unloaded any more information on their families, it was probably going to result in taking off many years of those who were alive and present as their minds and bodies wouldn't be able to handle anything else. Milo was beginning to feel dizzy and he wasn't sure if it was due to blood loss or everything else that had taken place that evening. He always assumed that there was a special friendship between Professor Sprout and his mother, but he never suspected it to be that sort of relationship shared between the two. But as he watched the two women converse in the clearing, it suddenly all made sense in his head. 

"Artemis, can we agree that any more information you need to share will be written in a letter or over the course of several letters?" Milo asked the goddess. "I thought I was blunt and direct with my delivery, but you gods and goddesses, you win hands down."

Artemis smiled with a triumphant look on her face, " Of course we do, we would not allow all of you to beat us out, that would be absurd," she said with a small laugh. Milo thought they were coming to the end of the meeting and more than likely, they were all going to find themselves thrown into absolute chaos when they returned. After all, they had no idea what was going on since they departed to the meeting. 

The last Milo had witnessed was everyone running off, Remus attempting to attack everything and everyone, Peter paralysed and bleeding out, and everything going to hell. He didn't know if Harry and Hermione were alright, although he was glad to know that Cedric and Ron had made it to the Hospital Wing. He could only hope that they were all alright.

However, before anyone was going to be allowed to disperse and return to what they had originally been doing before their summoning, Nyx wasn't kidding when she announced a marriage between the two. The proposal was not enough for that evening as they were going to have the ceremony right there in front of everyone. 

The one presiding over the wedding was Hades himself.

Nyx spoke of the union allowing the Black family to fall under the protection of her once more, but it would only be certain members, those being Sirius' family and that of his cousin that he named, "Andromeda". That was going to open up a whole other field of explanations needed but for those moments, everyone was just supposed to focus on the fact that after so many years, Elspeth and Sirius were going to be the God of the Underworld. 

"Shouldn't their son be here to witness this?" Milo asked Artemis. "I know he probably wouldn't understand, but after all, it is the marriage of his parents."

"This is the marriage ceremony, Milo, they can easily hold their wedding for their son to attend. He would not understand what was taking place, it's best to keep this moment as joyful as possible," Artemis explained. "Allow them to share in this moment."

"But they're covered in blood...."

"The blood of hardwork and devotion," She countered.

"Pretty sure it's the blood from their wounds but fine," Milo gave a shake of his head. "You're the goddess here. Let's just focus on the wedding I suppose..."

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