Chapter Four

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Milo felt the need to talk to his Uncle Remus but in order to get in contact with him, he needed to get to Elspeth. Unfortunately, she was back in Hogsmeade, at least, that's where he believed she was. She hadn't exactly been parading around the village as of late and Milo could definitely understand why. But being at the Diggorys, Milo was lessening his chances of talking to his uncle or his aunt by not being at home. The problem was growing even bigger as the two boys were felt stuck with Amos in the household whenever the man was home. He had made it clear that he was not a fan of men loving men, so it definitely would make sense that he wouldn't be a fan of two boys confessing that they liked one another as more than friends, especially when one of those boys happened to be his son.

The two were not enjoying their summer because they felt like they were constantly being watched, even when they weren't being watched. Amos had made them feel so uncomfortable that it was hard to have a good time, even when it came to playing quidditch out in the back of the house. In a way, Milo understood that Amos meant well with his actions, in a way that he only wanted his son to be the closest thing to perfect so that Cedric would be happy in life. But the man didn't realise that he was the one who was making his son miserable at the same time. Cedric, similar to Milo when it came to pleasing people, was all about making his parents proud. He had been that way for so long that it definitely difficult to break the old habits, Milo could relate to that. 

However, Milo was trying his best to speak up for himself more as he was growing older, he couldn't have people fight his battles for him all the time. But this situation was a bit tricky, he didn't want to make it seem like he didn't appreciate the Diggorys allowing him to spend time in their household.He would never want to come across as a rude house guest, his mother had raised him far better than that. But she had also raised him to talk about things that made him uncomfortable and in the current situation, Milo was very uncomfortable. The boy didn't like seeing Cedric in such a state and they had enough to worry about with the upcoming school year.

Milo's head was already caught up in the drama that was Sirius Black and Cedric was starting his fifth year, which meant that the older boy was going to be pressed for time with all the studying he was going to have to do for his O.W.L.s. The summer was meant for them to relax and in desperation, Milo contacted his mother for assistance. He told her that he wanted to come home and that he would explain why when he got there. But he wanted to make sure that Cedric could come along as well. He didn't want the boy to suffer alone at home with his father. 

Without question, Minerva agreed, sending her own owl to the Diggorys to tell them that she had made a couple of surprise summer plans for the boys in Hogsmeade and if they would be willing to let Cedric go. Of course, Anne and Amos didn't put up any protest as they didn't have any suspicions of anything taking place between the two boys. However, it was not Minerva that came to collect the boys the next morning. 

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