Chapter Eight

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Milo wasn't sure how to wrap his head around the idea that Elspeth had ended up in St. Mungo's after having Harry in her home for one night. Indeed, what Harry had claimed was true as they arrived at the woman's home only moments after Harry had told them what he had stumbled upon. Elspeth was unconscious on her bedroom floor and no matter what Minerva did, the woman remained in her unconscious state. It was certainly confusing and nerve-wracking at the same time because no one knew the cause except for her and she wasn't awake to tell them what had happened. Harry stayed in the company of Milo and Cedric, but Minerva refused to leave them behind by themselves. 

In the middle of the night, Gwen and Rosmerta had been summoned to the cottage to watch after the three boys, while she left to St. Mungo's to see what was going on. Harry felt terrible about the whole matter because he didn't see anything of what had happened. He told his brother that he had only heard the movement from upstairs which caused him to stir from his sleep. When he did finally bring himself over to the stairwell, Elspeth claimed that she would be down n just a moment, only to have her scream out seconds later. When he ran upstairs to see what was wrong, he found the woman on the floor. 

Flashbacks of the petrified students from the term before seemed to be on all the boys' minds, but Elspeth's body wasn't stiff as she was removed from her home and her eyes were closed. It merely looked like she was sleeping or that she had fainted. Harry was carrying quite a bit of guilt over the scenario, believing something had happened because of him. 

"I think I upset her quite a bit before we went to bed," Harry confessed to his brother as he sat in the living room beside Milo. "She told me that she knew our parents and I only asked to hear about them, perhaps to see a couple of photos. She said she was going to get them but she never came back downstairs after that. She told me she wasn't feeling well and I think it was because of me."

Milo's heart skipped a beat in his chest as Harry spoke about Elspeth knowing their parents. He wondered just how much she had told him about her relation to them but since Harry didn't seem upset or bring up the fact about questioning their godparents, he remained silent on the topic as well. With Sirius Black running loose, it was really not the time to be discussing such a thing, but Milo was regretting waiting so long to say something about it when he first learned the information. He wanted Harry to be honest with him at all times, yet he was a complete hypocrite when it came to his own standards. 

Cedric seemed to pick up on Milo's anxiety, although he wouldn't say anything in front of Harry. He waited patiently until Harry ended up falling asleep. Gwen and Rosmerta decided to take care of the boy, bringing him into the other room to rest. 

"What's going on, Milo?" Cedric asked him abruptly as he took over where Harry had been sitting earlier. He spoke in a low tone so that the two women didn't overhear their conversation. Immediately, Milo attempted to play stupid, turning to Cedric with a confused look. 

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