Chapter Fifty-Five

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(Regarding the last chapter and what Milo was discovering, I don't appreciate the comments telling me what I can and cannot do because of "plot." As the author, allow me to figure out what is fitting towards the plot I created since I am the one writing this series. As for interfering with Harry Potter world, there weren't Greek Gods interacting, nor was Milo Potter a part of the original series, it's called fanfiction for a reason and changes will be made to the original plot as I see fit. That's what fanfiction is about. If you have an issue with changes to canon, please, kindly go back to the seven books that J.K. Rowling wrote already. Thank you!)

While Milo believed there was some truth to his beliefs, it did seem quite far-fetched and Cedric was the first to bring him back down to Earth

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While Milo believed there was some truth to his beliefs, it did seem quite far-fetched and Cedric was the first to bring him back down to Earth. After all, Cedric brought up the fair point that Milo didn't physically leave his body when it came to seeing his parents, it was his mind or perhaps his spirit that ventured to the other side when he entered the dream-like trance. It could have easily been him drooling onto his shoulder that he believed to be the tears of the late Lily Evans, and until the boy had a chance to speak with his mother again, he couldn't be sure. 

He really wished that Elspeth didn't come and go so that it was easier to find her, not to mention, the times that he had ventured into the Forbidden Forest, he couldn't find Sirius at all. Perhaps she had taken him somewhere, he wasn't sure because neither one of them were around to ask. Then as he asked his godfather if he had seen the woman, he looked quite concerned as he realised he had yet to see Elspeth around the castle as well. It seemed whenever Milo was on a lead about something, the people that he needed to confide in vanished it, leaving him highly frustrated. 

However, not everything was bad, with the thoughts of the dead and the limitations of interaction, Milo had something to look forward to. Harry's match against Gryffindor was coming up and Minerva had finally fully inspected the Firebolt, giving it to Harry before the match. Harry was absolutely thrilled, telling Milo that everyone in the Gryffindor Tower was begging for a ride. Not to mention, the boys had finally decided to make up with Hermione. Although that didn't go over well at all.

Unfortunately, it was well known that Hermione's cat, Crookshanks had been going after Scabbers for quite some time, one of the main reasons that Hermione and Ron had been bickering so much as of late. Ron kept telling her to keep her cat away, but apparently, it wasn't enough as Ron and Harry returned, only for Ron to find blood on his bed where he had left the rat and several long ginger hairs that definitely appeared as though they belonged to the cat. It brought the friendship to a stand-still again, and Milo could relate to Hermione with how back and forth things were.

While Harry seemed to side with Ron on the matter, Hermione found herself alone again, upset that they were blaming her for the natural actions of a cat.

"He didn't even like the rat the majority of the time," Hermione confided in Milo, one afternoon while Gryffindor was holding their last practice before the match. "Always complaining about Scabbers, calling it useless, he only started caring about him when Crookshanks showed up. But I don't understand, Crookshanks doesn't take interest in any of the other pets around the castle, not even Neville's toad. He's been around Paden and never has he even contemplated attacking him. It's just been that rat!"

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