Chapter Forty-Nine

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As Milo expected, when Severus went to claim that Milo was walking around the grounds, Minerva seemed to have her own questions as to why Milo wasn't with Remus, like he was supposed to be. When she came to the classroom where he was sitting, Milo had a blank stare on his face as he stared off into the distance of the room. She had to walk over and place her hand on the boy's shoulder, giving it a gentle squeeze to get a response out of him. When he finally did look over, his eyes didn't come to rest on her, but on Severus. His eyes were narrowed and he appeared upset, she could only assume that he was upset because he was brought to the classroom but it went far and beyond that.

Severus had been in his household the night it happened, holding their dead mother in his arms, perhaps Milo would have felt pity towards him if the man actually cared about the crying baby on the floor. If he cared to pay attention to Harry, a one-year-old who had just lost his mother and was plagued with a scar on his forehead. Then even after he spotted Milo, across the way watching him, he didn't react, at least he didn't react to them appropriately. Instead, he ran off, not bothering to check to see if anyone was alright, but just up and leaving. 

The way Severus cried over their mother's body, it filled Milo with anger, how dare he touch her or acted like he cared. He didn't even know what the connection was between Severus and his mother, mainly because the man wasn't in any of their parents' photo albums. The ones with all their friends and family members, there wasn't one of Severus, so why was he coming into their house to grieve? Milo could only assume that the man didn't cry over their father who was lying dead downstairs at that moment. And if he cared that much about their mother, wouldn't he have seen to it that her sons were alright? 

They were defenceless, they were toddlers, they were alone and vulnerable in the moment above all, but instead, he just got up and left. The amount of disgust that was written on Milo's face was enough to leave both adults alarmed as Milo pushed himself up from the table and walked out of the classroom. He wanted to leave before he said something harsh that perhaps, later on, he would regret. Although in that moment, he wanted to give Severus an earful. All the times that Severus had gone out of his way to taunt and pick on either Milo or Harry, yet he had the nerve to cradle their dead mother in his arms.

"Milo," his mother called after him as she began walking down the corridor after him. He came to a stop, knowing if he didn't do it on his own, that she would surely make him. "Milo, why are you not with Remus right now?"

Now, what was he supposed to say? He didn't think of it on the spot, but now his mother was going to be curious as to why he wasn't in Hogsmeade. Was Remus going to stick to his word that he wasn't going to tell anyone about the conversation they had? Milo sincerely hoped so, because lying to his mother was going to get him into a heap of trouble.

"He kept asking me what was wrong and it became incredibly annoying. I thought we were just going to go out for a day of fun. I'm tired of everyone asking me what's wrong when I've already said that I'm fine," Milo informed her.

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