Chapter Thirty-Two

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Milo could not sleep for the life of him, mainly because the students around him would not stop talking about the incident, mainly all the questions of wondering how Sirius had just managed to walk right in without anyone noticing. Milo questioned it himself because even in his animagus form, did no one notice a giant black shaggy dog walking around the corridors? Not to mention, Sirius had gone after the portrait of the Fat Lady, that seemed out of character if he was attempting to prove his innocence. A million of his own questions occupied his mind and he had no answers. He wouldn't have them either until the next time he and Sirius spoke again, which there was no telling when they would happen.

He would imagine that Sirius took off and went back into hiding to avoid being caught, especially after an unsuccessful attempt to get into the Gryffindor Tower. But why was he trying to get in there? Of course, Milo had informed him that both Harry and Silas had been sorted into the house but surely he wasn't going after them? His blood ran cold with the prospect of Sirius using him in order to get to Harry or his son, or both. As he started up at the enchanted ceiling, Milo frowned, hoping that it wasn't the case. There had to be a reason behind it all. As the Head Boy, Percy passed him, Milo remained still for a second before grabbing the map that he had grabbed out his room and glanced it over.

Sirius' name didn't appear anywhere, leaving Milo to huff and fall back into his sleeping bag. Paden chirped softly, wishing the boy would get some sleep but it would be a long night. He could see his brother in the distance, talking to Hermione and Ron, among a few other Gryffindors, however, it was Percy who called for all of them to be quiet and go to bed before the candles went out. Milo shuffled under his covers, wishing that he could curl up at the bottom of Cedric's bed like he normally did. 

Of course, it was laughable to some, but it was truly a comfort to sleep at the bottom of someone's bed if he was unable to sleep. He often did it with his mother when he was younger. She would leave her bedroom door open at night and when he woke up, rather than crying, he would crawl out of his own bed and make his way to hers. However, he didn't want to get caught and have her return him to his own bed, so he would quietly climb onto the end and settle himself in. He would go unnoticed until the morning most nights. 

But as Cedric tended to his prefect duties, Milo simply rolled on his side and tried to force himself to sleep. The ghosts were in and out, bringing back and forth information to the prefects, and still, plenty of students were whispering making it difficult to fall asleep. Of course, Paden had no troubles as a light whistling sound came from the bowtruckle that slept soundly in Milo's hair. 

Finally, some time had passed and Milo had no idea what time it was when he heard multiple voices whispering, one being Percy and the other one being Dumbledore. The majority of students had finally passed out from exhaustion and the prefects were rotating shifts to get some sleep themselves. Cedric had climbed into his sleeping bag but before Milo could say anything to the boy, he was already asleep. But as he focused his hearing as to what the voices were whispering about, he let out a small noise of discontent.

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