Chapter Thirty-One

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"Tell me how I can help him," Milo demanded of Artemis, goddess or not, Harry was his brother and Milo had been long determined to keep Harry safe. The woman looked at him, her stern gaze softened as even she couldn't stay irritated with the boy. Milo didn't have any malicious intent within in his wording, she was sure he didn't even have a malicious bone in his body. However, he wasn't going to like what she had to say, even if it was the honest truth.

"There is nothing you can do, Milo," Artemis told him as her Hind came to a full stop, leaving Milo to face her. "I am sorry but you will have to allow the events to run their course. As I mentioned before, Harry's blood will be cleansed upon his death and no sooner or later."

Milo stared at her and shook his head, he couldn't accept that as an answer. "Please, I've already lost my family as it is, I don't have my parents or my grandparents. Harry is the only blood I have left, there has to be something I can do to help him."

"I am afraid not. Unfortunately, the events that occurred that night were not willed by any of us, but they have their consequences as does everything. It could have easily been you instead of your brother and then you would be the one denied my protection."

Her final words seemed to hit Milo the hardest because all the times he thought about being the Boy Who Lived instead of his brother, he was learning what would have happened. It hurt more than anything to realise that he had wanted what his brother had for so long but now that he didn't, he knew Harry was stuck with it all until his death. 

"Fear not, Milo, upon his death, I will welcome your brother with open arms, but if I chose to do so now it would put so many at risk. Many are unaware of the protection offered by the gods as it only remains within their family bonds."

He furrowed his brows together before meeting her gaze. "You mean we're not the only family?"

"You are the only family under my protection, but over the centuries many families have made their pacts to other gods and goddesses."

"Like wh-"

"I will not disclose that information, it is not my business nor it is yours," Artemis said sharply. "If you wish to continue to receive my protection, you will have to abide by my rules and that involves keeping the information to yourself. You may not share it with anybody unless they are your own offspring or marital mate, understood? And it will only be after I approve it."

"Well, I told my bowtruckle, is that a problem?" Milo asked her before he received a look from the goddess. "You didn't make the rules clear last time."

After a few moments, Artemis let out a light laugh. "I suppose that was an error on my behalf, yes, your bowtruckle may be part of it as long as he does not go telling anyone. Can he manage that?"

"Yes," Milo nodded confidently. "But what about my mother?"

"Your mother is already under my care-"

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