Chapter Sixty

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Milo didn't know what to say or what to do after the news of Buckbeak's trial, the trio including his brother were hopeful about the idea of an appeal, but everyone knew deep down that it was useless. Lucius Malfoy had used scare tactics as a way of getting his point across to the committee about how dangerous of a beast Buckbeak was and how a student had nearly lost their life against it. Milo wished he could see Lucius in that moment so he could directly spit in the man's face but that probably wouldn't have done him any good. Knowing Milo's luck, he probably would have been classified as a dangerous beast himself and earned himself his own trial.

Knowing that Newt was probably aware of what happened, Milo still decided to write to him, hoping that the man could interfere or help in some way. It was a long reach, but Newt had plenty of influence in the Wizarding World as he had done so much, perhaps someone would be willing to listen. Speaking of influence, Milo scoffed at the idea of Hagrid seeking comfort in Dumbledore. It amazed the boy that while Dumbledore could influence the Ministry to throw away the trial for Sirius that the man couldn't step in and work some of that influence on the committee to spare Buckbeak. 

Hagrid had been as loyal to the man, more so than anyone else. He was willing to do anything for Dumbledore, Milo was sure if the old wizard asked that Hagrid would throw himself into a volcano first and ask questions later. But it was obvious that Dumbledore was not willing to go out of his way to help others unless it benefited himself and that irritated Milo to no end. When he was younger, he could remember how his mother spoke highly of Dumbledore, after all, he had been the one giving her the opportunity to raise Milo.

For that, Milo would be grateful for, but that didn't excuse all of the man's behaviours since that time. The Dursleys were terrible people and yet, Harry was forced to live with them for "his own protection." But that made absolutely no sense in Milo's mind because Harry wasn't protected under the Dursleys' household, no matter what anyone said to him.

 Harry was miserable and neglected, and it shaped him to definitely have his issues when he finally had to merge into the wizarding world and be surrounded by people that he could depend on. Harry didn't know how to depend on people because he had no one to depend on in the Dursley home. Yet, Harry had to stay there, he couldn't be with his brother or other people that were more than willing to welcome him into their loving home. Did that not raise suspicions to anyone? 

As Remus had told Harry, Lily and James had sacrificed their lives in order to keep their boys safe, but what good was it if Harry was miserable every time he had to leave Hogwarts? How safe was he when his mental health was at stake to the point where he blew up his own aunt who was tormenting him? How about the bars on his windows that Vernon had placed up to trap him inside of his room?

While nothing seemed to be done at the time, Milo knew as soon as he turned of age and had more power to his name, he was going to take Harry out of the Dursley home. He didn't care who opposed it, he was going to take Harry out of there and offer the boy a proper home. 

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