Chapter Forty-Eight

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"Milo, what are you talking about?"

It seemed that Milo's nerves had gotten the best of him and the need to vent and rant had taken over as he just began spewing out his own theories to his godfather. As the conversation continued on, Remus' face took on the appearance as if Milo was badmouthing him to his face, but in reality, he knew that Mil would never d such a thing. He believed that Milo was probably just frustrated about his current state with Harry and wanted to take it out somehow. But to accuse Sirius of being innocent, when all the evidence had been pointed at the man, it was a bit much for Remus to just stand there and allow.

Milo's blue gaze focused on the ground, rather than looking the man in the eye. "I...I don't-"

Remus grabbed him by the shoulders gently to have Milo face him as he spoke. For a few moments, Milo struggled against it, knowing what was to come, all the man was going to do was try to convince him that he was wrong. But eventually, he allowed the man to continue as he finally peered up at him. "Milo, I'll admit, I was in shock myself when I received the news, but Dumbledore confirmed all of it-"

That made Milo's blood boil, just the mentioning of Dumbledore's name made Milo angry because the man never cared for him. He didn't care about where Milo had ended up in life back when he was a toddler, he would have probably thrown Milo onto anyone else if Minerva had refused to take him in. Then he kept the Invisibility Cloak from Milo, even though the boy was convinced that it was rightfully his as the firstborn Potter. It's not like he would have kept it to himself, he would have gladly shared it with Harry, just as he had been doing with everything that had come into his possession, but Dumbledore didn't seem to think so. He wasn't aware of the cloak and he wasn't aware that Dumbledore had it until Harry brought it up. 

What exactly did Dumbledore think the reaction was going to be from Milo, that the boy would simply brush it off? Or did he simply not care how Milo felt, even if he became upset. Milo was willing to bet money on the latter because never did Dumbledore actually show that h cared for him. He made it clear from the beginning that Harry was the number one priority and while Milo understood why Harry had to come first in many instances, they didn't have to make it so damn obvious. 

"Dumbledore confirmed, you say?" Milo said, his eyes narrowing at Remus, even though the man was the messenger, it seemed he was among the many that believed that Dumbledore could do no wrong. "So he was there that evening? He was there in the house when Voldemort came in and killed our parents?! He was there when Sirius somehow passed that information along?! He was a witness, is that what you're telling me, Uncle Remus?"

"No, Milo but-"

"Then how can he confirm anything? How can anyone confirm anything if they weren't there? You weren't even in the country when it happened! And yet you blindly follow the word of one man who wasn't even there! Sirius wasn't even given a trial, why is that? Death Eaters, Bellatrix Lestrange, her brother-in-law, and her husband who were held accountable for multiple murders and torturing were given a trial, but Sirius didn't get one, why is that?"

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