Chapter Sixty-Four

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"Look at him, Max, the boy is practically glowing," Heidi pointed out Milo as the boy walked into the Great Hall the next morning and as the fellow Hufflepuff looked up, it certainly appeared to be true. Milo had a bright smile on his face as if nothing in the world could bring him down and rightfully so, after what Cedric had done, there was no bringing Milo Potter down. It had caught everyone off guard, including Milo when Cedric pulled him into a kiss right in front of the remaining party members, including the Gryffindor students. But at that point, it was clear that Cedric didn't care about anyone's reaction at that point. He was making it more than obvious about how he felt about Milo and wanted everyone to know it. 

Not only did he kiss Milo openly, he also referred to him by his nickname "Handsome" and it certainly wasn't in a playful manner as others often took it. There was meaning and honesty behind Cedric calling Milo handsome. When he left the Hufflepuff Common Room with Heidi and Max, escorting the Gryffindors out, Cedric received an earful. However, it wasn't a poor response like he had been expecting all along. Harry was aware of what was taking place but Hermione and Ron could only ask "since when?" and "how long did Harry know?" Then there were the Weasley twins and they were just offended by the idea of Milo not telling them sooner, who would be more accepting than them?

So while Cedric carefully explained the reason as to why the boys weren't open about it, Milo was left back in the common room with the other Hufflepuffs. Of course, the feeling of the kiss lingered for a little while longer as he stood there with a goofy expression until he realised his housemates observing him. At first, it was rather quiet and Milo wasn't sure if they were waiting for him to speak first or if they were just needing a few extra seconds to gather their thoughts. Either way, it was one of Cedric's dormmates that was the first to claim that he was happy for the two, even though he said he had his suspicions earlier.

Milo was in some sort of shock, not just from the kiss but from the fact that everyone seemed okay with it. He did expect his housemates to be accepting and tolerant compared to others, but to have some of the girls come up to him and ask all sorts of questions that brought him to blush and brought them to giggle, it was a massive relief. 

People were actually okay with everything and Milo couldn't have been happier after all that. When Cedric returned, he made his way to Milo's room, unsure of what to expect when he returned to the Common Room, but even he was pleasantly surprised by the response he received. People were congratulating him, some of the girls were calling him brave, while the remaining quidditch members and housemates were telling him that if he was ever faced with people saying anything they would be right at his side. And not only his side, but Milo's as well.

No one going to mess with Cedric's kitten. 

"Have you stopped smiling since yesterday?" Heidi asked him as Milo sat down, with a dreamy look on his face. He didn't respond right away, leaving the girls to exchange glances before Max leaned across the table and snapped her fingers in front of his face.

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