Chapter Thirty-Nine

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Instead of meeting up with his friends right away in Hogsmeade, Milo decided the best time to go into the Forbidden Forest was going to be when he didn't have any distractions around him. He knew Paden was safe with Cedric, Heidi, and Max, probably enjoying himself a nice butterbeer, which freed Milo up from all responsibilities besides himself. Harry was taken care of with the map, Milo hoping that the boy would use it to keep himself safe rather than looking for trouble but that was asking for a lot especially with his little brother. But Milo had all the faith in the world in Harry as he headed down one of the secret passageways that opened up near the entrance of the Forbidden Forest. 

Making sure to keep low to the ground, while keeping an eye out for dementors, Milo quickly made his way to the edge of the forest and ducked into the darkness as even in the coldness of the harsher nights and snow, many of the trees still held their fullness. It grew darker as he entered further leaving him to pull out his wand early so that he didn't trip over any roots. As he walked along carefully, Milo prayed that he wouldn't run into Sirius right away because while he needed to speak with him, he also needed to collect the dew. The twins and Lee were counting on him for the ingredient as they had pulled their own weight with the potion-making and it was up to Milo to pull through. 

Yet, Milo's thoughts trailed back to what Sirius had said about his attempt of breaking into the Gryffindor Common Room, he mentioned someone being in there, but who? He normally addressed Harry and Silas by their names, so it didn't make sense that he wouldn't mention which person he was talking about. Why would he be so vague in his answering?

"No, Milo, focus," he muttered to himself as he trudged along in the forest. Already he had stumbled several times over something that had collected itself on the forest floor. The boy nearly fell twice but managed to balance himself out yet again as he tried to remember the specific path to reach the dark tulips. 

As he came upon unfamiliar scenery, Milo bit down on his lower lip and scratched the top of his head."Was I supposed to take a left back there?"

"A right, actually," a voice called out, bringing Milo to cry out in a panic. 

With a jump and spin, the boy's wand was placed out in front of him, illuminating the scene only to see Newt Scamander making his way towards him. The older gentleman was climbing over a massive log of a dead tree that seemed to have fallen in the recent storms. Milo's heart was racing at the equivalent speed of a hummingbird flapping its wings, partially due to being startled and the rest due to the fact that he was standing in the presence of his idol yet again. 

"Mr. S-S-Scamander," he stammered out, "what are you doing here?"

Milo truly didn't care what the reasoning was, extremely happy to be in the man's company once more, but he was curious as he didn't anticipate another visit being so soon. 

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