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Sinb's pov

I was walking to my lunch period as I saw J-Hope walking into a classroom and looking both ways to check if there was anyone near. He walks in as I was getting my books for my next class after lunch. I closed my locker gently and walked over to the classroom J-Hope walked into. As I peeked through the crack I saw J-Hope holding his phone and scrolling through his phone. Music starts to play as he puts his phone down. He started to dance with the beat and surprised by his dance moves. The J-Hope I knew for five years knew how to dance. I thought he only knew how to embarrass me and make fun of me. I took out my phone and video taped him dancing but as I was doing that the bell then rang and J-Hope rushes to get his stuff and phone. I realized that I was still looking through the crack and I started running as students started to flow out of their classes. 

It was the end of the day and I was talking to Yuju and she suddenly left.

"I have to go. I'm sorry, I'll talk to you later," She said and ran off. I looked behind me and noticed J-hope and Jimin. Jimin was now walking away and following Yuju out of the school.

"So, Sinb...Where were you during lunch period?" J-Hope asked with a smirk.

"I wa-was at lunch," God Sinb don't stutter.

"Really, when I asked your friends, they said you weren't there. Give me your phone," He said and holding his hand out. I stood there looking like an idiot. "I said GIVE ME YOUR PHONE!" J-Hope shouted at me and I handed him my phone and shut my locker. I ran away because no one has ever shouted at me like that. The only time was when my parents were disappointed at me because I got drunk. I started to run home as I was running rain started to pour and I didn't have an umbrella. I walked up to my house and opened the door. Tears were still streaming down my face and I ignored my parents as they wanted to give me a snack. I just walked into my room silently. I changed my clothes into gray sweatpants and a pink sweater. I grabbed my laptop and did my homework. As I was finishing my math homework my eyes were getting heavier and heavier as I fell asleep. 

I had fallen asleep and felt someone shaking my arm. I opened my eyes and saw my mom.

"Honey, there's someone downstairs looking for you," My mom said as she held my shoulder. I nodded and went down with her. When I saw the person I got shocked and wanted to go back to my room but my mom dragged me into the living room. My dad was talking to J-Hope and he was holding my phone. 

"Mom can I go-" I got cut off my J-Hope

"Sinb, um...I'm sorry," He said and handed me my phone.

"It's okay, I'm gonna go to my room now," I said and left.

"It's okay J-Hope. Do you want anything to eat or drink?" I heard my mom ask

"No, it's okay. I'm gonna just go," J-Hope said

"Is your parents home? We would like to meet them," I heard my dad asked.

"Um...actually I'm living on my own. My parents died a few years ago," I heard J-Hope say as I hear him sniffling.

"How long?" My mom asked

"About five years...." J-Hope said and continued, "I should get going," He said and I heard the door close. Five years....wait that's how long I've been getting bullied.

Next day

I walked into my first class and as the bell rang I saw no sign of J-Hope. In the middle of the lesson the door opens and reveals Puffy eyed J-Hope. Eyes were on him as the teacher just told him to sit down. It wasn't the J-Hope I knew for five years. The J-hope I knew was bubbly and always smiling, but this J-Hope was lifeless and had a frown. As class ended Mr. Choi waved me over and asked me something.

"I want you to keep an eye on Mr. Jung," He said and I nodded. J-Hope was already gone and as I was about to get my bag Mr. Choi and I heard chanting outside the classroom. We both rush outside and there was a crowd of students. We went in between the students and in the middle was Kai holding J-Hope who had a bloody nose and a busted lip. Mr. Choi went in between them before Kai can get another punch into J-Hope. Kai drops J-Hope onto the floor and I tried to help him up. I looked over to the other side and saw Namjoon. We walked him over to the nurse's office and Namjoon told me to go before I was late. 

As school ended I saw J-hope in between Jimin and Namjoon. His head was looking down at the floor. I saw Kai coming to J-Hope and Kai bumps his shoulder towards J-Hope. 

"YAH! WATCH WHERE YOU'RE GOING!" Kai shouted and pushed J-Hope to the wall. Kai held up his hand and I went between them. "YAH! GET OUT OF THE WAY!" Kai shouted at me as I just stood there. Before I knew it Kai's hand made contact with my cheek. My hand made its way to my cheek. Next thing I see is J-Hope pinning Kai to the wall.

"DON'T YOU F*CKING TOUCH HER EVER AGAIN!" J-Hope said and pushed him onto the wall. J-Hope grabs my hand and we got out of the school and the crowd of students. J-Hope hands me a helmet and I put it on. J-Hope gets onto his motorcycle and put my arms around him. He drove off to my house and stopped. "I'm sorry you got into that," He said and took his helmet off. 

"It's alright," I said and gave him his helmet. "I'll see you tomorrow," I said and walking up to my house. "You can come in if you want," I said and he nodded.

HEY DOUBLE UPDaTE FOr THiS BoOk! Sinhope one shot. I hoped you liked it. honestly, it was hard for me to write this for some reason. My favorite Beagle and Horse.  I love their smile, they look the same!

  I love their smile, they look the same!

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