[T a e r i n]

723 45 5

Yerin pov

I open the door to my shared apartment. 

Lights are off.

No one was here.

I open the lights and noticed that he left a note.

Hey. I'll be late tonight. Sorry. I made some dinner for you. You know since it's my night to cook. I'll see you later! -KTH

I shake my head and open the fridge. There were glass Tupperware of food packed into it. I grab the one with my name on it. I place it in the microwave and heat it up.

I take it out and walk to the small living room. I sat down on one of the sofas and turned on the TV.

I watched until I finished my food. I washed the glass Tupperware and walk to my room. 

I get into sweatpants and into a sweater. I sit back in the living room. 

As I walk into the living room my phone starts to ring.

I pick it up and answered.

"Did you eat yet?" Taehyung asked

"Yeah...you?" I asked.

"No, not yet. I haven't had my break yet," He said and I can hear costumers.

"You should eat," I said

"Hey, I have to get going. I have to get back to work," He said and hung up

I sighed and sat in the living room.

Kim Taehyung and I shared an apartment. 

I worked in the mornings through the afternoon.

He worked in the afternoon till midnight.

We only see each other a couple of times.

We would work two jobs to pay the rent. 

I've lived with him for two years.

We're best friends.

Well to him.

I've had a crush on him for about a year and a half.

I had fallen asleep and when I woke up I hear ringing. 

I open my eyes and saw the TV still open and my ringing. 

I grab my phone and saw Jungkook calling.

Why is he calling me?

"Hello?" I answered

"Yerin? I've been calling you for 10 minutes," He said

"What's wrong?" I asked

"Can you come to the nearby....bar??" he said

"Why?" I asked sitting up.

"Um..." Jungkook stayed silent.

"Jungkook! Why?" I shouted

"Taehyung is here..." He said

"WHY?!" I shouted

"He's drunk...please come and help me," he said

"Alright," I said and hung up. 

I go to my room and change into jeans and a shirt. I put on a coat and grab my shoes.

I hate you...Kim Taehyung. What's the hell is wrong with you?!

I walk to the nearby bar and see Jungkook waiting outside.

"Where is he?" I asked

"Inside..." he said

"I'll be back..." I said and showed my ID.

At least I'm 21. 

I walked inside and saw Taehyung.

His blonde hair stands out from the dark-haired males and females. 

I walked over and grabbed his shoulder.

"What the hell are you doing here?!" I shouted at him over the loud music

"What the hell are you doing here?!" He asked and he grabs his glass up.

"I asked you first. Jungkook told me you were here," I said

"Can't you see I'm drinking right now?!" He shouted at me.

"Yeah, and I know the Kim Taehyung that doesn't drink," I said

"Well...you're thinking wrong," He said

"I am not. Now let's go!" I said and grabbed his arm.

"I don't want to leave," He said and stayed put. 

I watched as he was going to have another drink.

I grab his glass and took it as a one shot.

"Yerin! What the hell!" He shouted and grabbed the glass out of my hand.

"Another one please," I said

The bartender hands me a glass and I chug it down.

"Yerin stop it," Taehyung grabs my arm and drags me out of the bar.

"Yerin noona...Hyung what happened?" Jungkook asked as we got out.

I have a low tolerance for alcohol.

"She drank," He said and drags me to the shared apartment. 

He unlocks the door and drags me inside.

"YAH! LET GO OF ME!" I shouted.

I'm not drunk.

I'm pretending to.

"I never want you to drink again," Taehyung said

"You can't tell me what to do!" I shouted

"Yes, I can! I'm a year older!" He shouted back at me.

I walked away from him but he follows me.

"Yerin! Stop! Talk to Me!" Taehyung shouts.

"WhY! Should I?!" I said 

He grabs my arm and pushes me towards the wall.

"I know you're not drunk..." Taehyung said

"What?" I shouted. 

He has a smirk on his face.

He leans in and places his lips on mine.

He kisses me but I stood there.

He pulls away.

He's looking at me weird.

"Do you know how to kiss?" He asked

I look down and shake my head.

Now he was my first kiss.

I'm standing there doing nothing but look down.

He pulls my chin up.

"Follow my lead?" he asked

I nodded.

He places his lips on mine.

I followed his lead and kissed him back. 

He's pinning me towards the wall.

I pulled away from the kiss.

"You're cute..." He said as I start blushing

He kisses me again and I kissed back. 

"You're cute because you're a fast learner..." Taehyung said and I hit him

I tried to walk away but he grabs my waist and pulls me towards him.

Closer so I can see him.

"You're spending the night in my room?" He asked

I rolled my eyes.

"YAH! Don't roll your eyes at me!" He shouted and laughed


New chapter for you guys. It's been a really long week for me. I've had Tests and Quizzes this week. I took Star Testing this week. Thank you for giving me time off 

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