🌸Sinhope🌸 (Pt.2)

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Sinb's pov

"What happened to your cheek, Hwang Eunbi...." He said in a serious tone.

"Mingyu...slapped me," I said and my head was facing the floor. I then felt J-hope hugging me.

"You don't deserve him you know...." He said 


It's been a week since J-Hope said I didn't deserve Mingyu. I was home with my parents and they were talking about Mingyu.

"Hey, How are you guys...your boyfriend?" My dad asked

"We broke up..." I said in a whisper and my mom dropped the plate on the table and my dad looks away from the newspaper.

"Since when?" My mom said

"Last week..." I said picking at my food.

"Why didn't you tell us. Is that why you're close with that Hoseok guy?" My mom continued

"Well, he did say that I didn't deserve Mingyu...plus he slapped me..." I said looking up

"HE WHAT!" My dad shouted

"He slapped me but, Hoseok said I didn't need him..." I said and my dad looks at me.

"I feel like you prefer Hoseok better than Mingyu," My mom said and putting an egg on my plate. 

"I don't know..." I said 

"I want to meet Hoseok," My dad said and my eyes widened.

"What? You want to meet him," I said but then the doorbell rang. My dad gets up and walks over to the door. I walk with him and when he opens the door Yuju, Jimin and J-Hope were at the door. My eyes widened and then my dad lets them in. I walk towards Yuju.

"What. Are. You. Doing. Here." I said through my teeth.

"We're picking you up," she said then we saw my dad pull J-Hope to the living room. 

"Oh God...Please noo..." I said and running to the living room.

"Mr. Hwang nice to meet you," J-Hope said putting his hand out

"Nice to meet you too, Jung Hoseok," My dad said and then continued "Your the guy who keeps texting my daughter every night,"

"Oh, yes sir. I'm very sorry about that. I just wanted to make sure your daughter ate and did her homework," J-Hope said and started to blush

"That's alright, I'm very happy that you are caring for my daughter but do you like my daughter?" My dad said

"DAD!" I shouted and came into the living room

"Is it alright if I dated your daughter," J-Hope said blushing and keeping his head down

"Yes, you can date my daughter," My dad said and my jaw dropped, "In one condition," He continued and J-Hope nodded. "Please don't break her heart..." He said taking off his glasses.

"I won't sir," J-Hope said smiling. 

"J-HOPE LET'S GO YOUR SISTER IS WAITING!" Jimin shouted and I quickly grabbed my backpack and shoes and ran to the car. I sat in the back with Jimin and Yuju. I stayed silent the whole car ride.

J-Hope and I walked to our first-period class and while we walked he held my hand. I smile at him as he held my hand. We walked to class but I felt someone grab my other hand and pull me towards the ground. J-Hope helps me up but he falls to the ground when I looked up I saw.....


Short pt.2, Tomorrow next pt.3. BYE FOR NOW!!!


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