[E u n k o o k]

972 39 4

Eunha pov

 I walked into the school and went straight to my locker. I looked down the hall and saw more students piling inside the school. I look at the locker to my left. Hoseok's and then Sinb's locker. I then sighed at the next one after Sinb's. It was Jungkook's locker. I unlocked my locker and saw Sinb and Hoseok coming.

"So...how was your night, Eunha?" Sinb asked

"Fine...Lots of studying," I said and locked the locker. 

"What are you waiting for, Eunha?" Hoseok asked

"Nothing," I said

"Are you waiting for Jungkook?" Sinb said smirking.

"No...Sinb," I said and rolled my eyes. 

"Don't worry he's coming. He's just running late," Hoseok said and took a textbook out.

"I don't care if he's running late," I said. I do care if he is running late. I want to know what happened to him.

"Yah! Eunha-ah are you coming?" Sinb asked.

"Yeah!" I said and followed her to the gym. 

There were only a few minutes left until the bell rang. My heart was pounding. Why isn't he here? Where is he?

"Eunha-ah are you alright?" Hoseok asked

"Yeah, why?" I asked

"You've been staring at that door for the past five minutes," Sinb said and chuckled.

"And..." I said

"Are you looking for Jungkook?" Hoseok asked

"No..." I said

The bell rings and he's not here. My drops. I just look at the paper in front of me. I had to finish it before we get into the locker rooms to change. I looked up and saw Jungkook coming in late. I smile a bit.

"I told you so..." I heard Sinb say to Hoseok

"You were looking at Jungkook weren't you?" Hoseok asked

"Yeah..." I whispered. 

The day progressed and I saw Jungkook whenever I went to my classes. I walked behind him as I walked to my Math class. He drops his phone on the ground and I picked it up. I then look up and he's running to one of his friends and he enters the classroom. I walked to my classroom and put all my stuff down. 

"Mr. Oh? May I go to a class? A boy dropped his phone, can I return it?" I asked and he nods

"Sure, here is a pass," He said and I grab the piece of paper.

"Thank you," I said and walked into the classroom. I walked into another math class. My math class is more advanced than this one.  

"Ms. Jung...your student dropped this while he was walking to class," I said and handed her the phone. 

"Who dropped their phone in the hallway?" Ms. Jung asked. I looked at the class and watch Jungkook search for his phone. He then raises his hand. He bites the end of his lip. "Mr. Jeon...you should thank Ms. Jung here. Thankful she gave it to me," she said and Jungkook stood up and grabbed his phone.

"Thank you," He said 

"Your welcome," I said and walked away.

"Oh...Ms. Jung before you leave. Since you're in Advanced Math (Pre-Algebra /Algebra /Geometry /Calculus )Can you tutor one of my students?" She asked

"Sure," I said

"Jeon Jungkook can you come  up here?" She said and my eyes widened. No...I can't tutor Jeon Jungkook. He's my crush. I can't I'll space out and stutter. "This will be your tutor for this week and next week. I hope you work hard because you have an upcoming quiz this week and next week," She said and Jungkook nods.

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