[K.S.J & K.S.J] +18

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Sojung's pov

I walked to school as I missed the bus.

"At least class doesn't start until 8:30..." Exy said

Exy as been my best friend since grade school.

We became best friends with our names.

Kim Sojung.

Chu Sojung.

"I know but the school is so far away..." I said

"It's fine...I just called Seungcheol..." she said

"Why?" I asked

"I thought you said the school was far?" she said

"Oh..." I said

We stop when we heard a honk.

"Get in!" A male voice said from the passenger seat said.

Kim Seokjin...

We walk over and get in.

"Missed the bus again?" Seungcheol asked

"Yes..." I said.

"You know we should just pick you up in the morning..." Seokjin said

"Why? You don't have to..." I said

"Oh! Come on, Sowon. Do you want to walk if we miss the bus?" Exy unnie asked.

I shake my head.

"Then it's settled...we'll pick you girls up at 8:10..." Seokjin said.

"Why so early?" I asked

"We always go out for breakfast..." Seungcheol said

"Really!" Exy said

"Yeah..." Seungcheol said, "But, we couldn't today..." he said

"Sorry, oppa," Exy said

The car ride is silent.

There's music playing in the background.

"Let's go..." Seokjin said as Seungcheol pulls the key from the car.

I get out and walk with Exy.

"We'll see you guys later..." I said adjusting the school uniform.

"Later..." Seokjin said and went the other way.

The school is separated from grades.

Exy, Seungcheol, and I are in year 2 while Seokjin is in year 4.

He's going to graduate in a few months.

"So where are we heading to?" Seungcheol asked.

"To class, where are you going?" Exy asked

"Class..." He said and ran off looking for his other friends.

"You think it's going to be different without Seokjin next year?" Exy asked

"I don't know...I haven't hung out with him in a while," I said

"I hung out with last week..." Exy said.

"Why?" I asked

"We had barbeque last week with Seungcheol. He was talking about which college he should be going to. Overseas or here..." Exy said

"Oh..." was all I said

"He said he was going overseas to study..." Exy said finally telling me.


"Are you alright, Sowon?" she asked

I nod.

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