[T a e r i n]

920 35 4

Yerin pov

I walked up the stairs with my books in my hand. I check my phone and some was running down the stairs. They had bumped into me and I felled my phone. 

"YAH!" I shouted and looking back to see a blond boy.

"Mianhae..." He said 

"Do you know how much I paid for this phone?" I asked and raised my voice.

"I don't know....and I don't care," He said and smirked. He ran off and I got pissed off. 

I picked up my phone and saw someone in front of me. 

"Why are you talking to my oppa like that?" girl's voice said in front of me. I looked up and saw Yeri.

"You're dating him?" I asked and she shook her head.

"I'm his sister...." she said and spoke again, "Why did you speak to him like that?" She asked

"He dropped my phone and it broke," I said and there was a large crack in the front.

"Oh...Don't worry. I'll take to him," She said and smiled

"Thank you. I'll see you around," I said and ran to my class.

I walked to my class and saw the boy again. He was being chased by two other boys.

"YAH!! STOP HIM!!" One of them shouted

I stepped in front of him and he didn't see me and he fell backward. 

"Thank you..." the second one said

"Yerin...Jung Yerin," I said and I shook his hand

"I'm Jungkook...this is Jimin and that's Taehyung," He said and pointed to each person

"So...Taehyung," I whispered and then spoke out loud, "I have to get going," I said and glared down at Taehyung

The bell rings and I curse under my breath. I'm late.

"Mianhae..." I said and accidentally fell one of the books I was holding on the floor.

"You're late Ms. Jung...Don't be late again," Mrs. Kang said and looked at me.

I walked out of the classroom and saw Yeri and Taehyung. Yeri was shouting at Taehyung and Taehyung was scratching the back of his neck. I walked over to them.

"Oh...Yerin. Taehyung what do you say to her?" Yeri asked and gestured towards me

"I'm sorry, Yerin-ah.I didn't mean for you to drop your phone. I'll pay for the repairs," He said and go surprised when Taehyung said about paying for repairs.

"Um...you don't have to pay for the repairs. It's really okay," I said

"No...Yerin, Taehyung oppa broke your phone. He's going to pay for it," Yeri said

"No...Yeri-ah it's aright. I can pay for repairs," I said

"No...Taehyung will pay for the phone and that's the final answer,"  Yeri said and left.

"Taehyung-ah you don't have to pay for it. It's okay. I'm alright paying for my own phone," I said

"Yerin-ah...I'm alright paying for it. Just meet me outside at the end of the day. I'll bring you to the phone repair shop and I'm going to pay," He said and he left. 

In every class I had I couldn't wait til the end of the day. 

I started to daydream during my French class and my teacher called on me.

"Jung Yerin! How would you say I 'In my backpack, there are no pens?'" She asked

"...." I grew blank

bangchin: one-shot/imagines 1Where stories live. Discover now