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[Yewon's pov]

I walk down the halls alone.

Students are running to get to their first-period class.

I walk into my class and sit at my desk.

Many students are either laughing and talking.


They're late and have detention.

I'm never that kind of student.

I don't have many friends.

I just transferred two weeks ago.

I'm still getting used to the school and the students.

"Alright, students! Take your seats..." Ms. Lee said

My eyes focus on the board until the door opens and reveal three guys.

"Mr. Jung, Mr. Park, and Mr. Min please take your seats..." Ms. Lee said and the smirking boys take their seats, "Now this is your last warning...one more late and you get detention," She said sternly.

Jung Hoseok.

Park Jimin.


Min Yoongi.

They're all popular with girls.

Even though they look tough and dumb they're at the top of our class.

"Miss. Kim, can you please write the first homework problem on the board and solve it?" Ms. Lee asked and held up a piece of chalk.

"Yes, Ms. Lee," I said and walked up to the board and started to write the math problem on the board.

"Thank you, Miss. Kim," She said and I smile at her.

I take my seat in front of Yoongi.

He gives me a smirk but I ignore it.

"Alright, Mr. Min...since you are all smart, tell me..." She said eyeing Yoongi, "What would you first on the problem 10x+4=64?" She asked

"Subtract 4 from each side and divide by 10...the answer would be x=6," He said and I roll my eyes.

"Very good..." Ms. Lee said and solved the problem.

This continues all day.

Teachers asking him to either read or solve a problem.

It's gym.

I like gym but I dread the games we play.

Today we're playing volleyball.

I change into my gym uniform.

In Gym, the class in an hour long.

We get out and stretch.

"Alright, we'll put you guys in teams..." Coach Kyung said blowing his whistle, "It'll be boys vs. girls," He said and everyone groaned.

We get put into teams.

"Hi, are you new here?" Someone asked me.

"Yeah, Kim Yewon...nice to meet you," I said

"Kim Sojung...these are my friends," She said and then introduced them, "This is Jung Yerin, Jung Eunbi, Choi Yuna, and Hwang Eunbi..." She said

"Hi...let's play?" I asked

"You bet..." They said

We're team 4.

There are 6 teams.

We're up.

I see familiar faces.

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