[S i n h o p e]

844 36 4

Hoseok pov

I stand behind the cash register to wait for any customers to come in. I watch people eating and drinking as people pass by outside.

"Excuse me?" I heard and looked in front of me. I see a girl with long brown hair with a black leather cap on. She was wearing a white shirt and a pair of black pants.

"Oh...sorry. May I take your order?" I asked her and she smiled

"Yeah, can I have a caramel frappuccino and two chocolate chip cookies," She said

"Alright, that will be 3,200 won, please. And can I have your name..." I said and grabbed a cup and a pen. 

"Hwang Eunbi..." She said and I took the money and started to make the coffee. 

I grabbed two cookies and place them in a bag and finished up the frappuccino. I place them down on the countertop and call her name out.

"Hwang Eunbi your order is ready..." I said and she smiled and took the frappuccino and left. 

The day went and I was done with my shift. I take my apron off and the next person takes my spot. I grab my backpack in the back and leave the cafe. My eyes travel to a nearby library. I enter and take some books out from the library for my homework. I sit down and open my textbooks and the start to finish.

"Excuse me? Is anyone sitting here?" I look up and see the same girl from the cafe. 

"No..." I said and she takes a seat. 

I focus on my work and take my laptop out to write an essay for my class. I watched the girl in front of my get up to go to the bookshelves. I finished the essay and print it out. I finish my other homework and return the books I took out. 

I go back to the table and the girl is gone. I sighed. 

I pack my stuff up and noticed a small pink post it. 

Nice to see you again

                -Hwang Eunbi

I smiled and left the building. I stopped by a nearby store to buy some food. I pay and leave. I walked back home and it started to rain. I grab the umbrella in my bag and open it. I can see a girl running across the street. It was the same girl from the cafe and library.

"Hwang Eunbi?" I asked as I stood beside her.

"Yeah...you're the guy from the cafe and library...you are...." She continued

"Jung Hoseok but you can call me J-Hope," I said

"Alright, you can call me Sinb," she said

"Where do you live?" I asked

"40 minutes from here....you?" She asked

"Right there. Plus why are you in this part of the city?" I asked while pointing at the white house across the street. 

"I go to school here, but I usually take the bus. I missed it if you didn't notice," She said

"Let's go inside instead..." I said and she nodded

She a bit far away from me. I pulled her closer so she doesn't get sick. I open the door and turn on the lights. 

"You want anything. I can make tea," I suggested

"Sure," She said

"You can go in the living room," I said and went into the kitchen to make tea.

I waited and felt arms around my waist. 

"Thank you for letting me come. I know I'm a stranger to you," She said and I turn around

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