🌸Sinhope🌸 (Pt.1)

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J-Hope's pov

I was walking through the hall trying to get to class with my head down. I tried to hide from people. I have six other friends but they have different classes and are on the other side of the campus. I kept walking with books and papers in my hand. I then bumped into something or someone. I looked up and notice a couple of girls. My eyes focused on the girl in front of me, brown long hair and brown eyes. I then snapped out of it and noticed the coffee stain on her shirt. My eyes widened and grab a piece of tissue and tried to take it off. Her hand then stops me.

"It's alright. Don't worry," She said softly.

Sinb's pov

"It's alright. Don't worry," I said and held his wrist. 

He starts to blush and spoke, "Your shirt is getting see through, here take this," and handing he a pink sweater. I grabbed it and noticed his books on the ground. I quickly picked it up but he grabs it first. He looks at me as were on the floor grabbing the books and paper. "I should get to class..." He said and ran off

"Wait you forgot your homework," I said but he already left.

"Who was that?" Umji asked

"Jung Hoseok..." I said in a whisper. I looked at the sweater he gave me and on the back, there was a name and a number. J-Hope 94...

"So his name is J-Hope?" Yuju asked

"Nickname maybe," Umji said

"Maybe..." I said "We should get going," I continued and we walked to class. I then remembered the homework in my hand. 

J-Hope's pov

I arrived at class and sat in my assigned seat. The teacher came and she asked for last night's homework. I looked through my books and when I saw it wasn't there. I started panicking as the teacher came around. I gave up and told the teacher I lost it.

"I'm very disappointed in you, Hoseok..." Mrs. Lee said as she held papers in her hand. "You're my highest ranking student," She said and I just nodded. 

"Excuse me, Mrs. Lee?" We heard a voice and our head turned towards the door.

"Yes, what do you need Ms. Eunbi?" Mrs. Lee asked and approached her.

"Um, Jung Hoseok...dropped his homework in the hallways," she said handing Mrs. Lee a piece of paper with writing on it.

"Thank you, Hwang Eunbi. You may leave," Mrs. Lee said and she just left, "You're lucky Hoseok, good thing Eunbi found your homework," She said and I nodded. I focused on the lesson and then my mind went to the girl named Hwang Eunbi. She was the one I accidentally spill coffee on. She was wearing the sweater I gave her. Come on Hoseok...focus.

Sinb's pov

I asked my teacher to go to Mrs. Lee's class to give a student back their homework. As I was about to go out I grabbed the sweater and put it on. I walked to Mrs. Lee's class and when I walked in I saw Mrs. Lee with Jung Hoseok.

"I'm very disappointed in you, Hoseok...you're my highest ranking student," She said and I saw Hoseok nodding with sadness plastered on his face.

"Excuse me, Mrs. Lee?" I said and both of their heads turned towards me. 

"Yes, what do you need Ms. Eunbi?" Mrs. Lee asked me and approached 

"Um, Jung Hoseok...dropped his homework in the hallways," I said and gave her the paper full of writing.

"Thank you, Hwang Eunbi. You may leave," Mrs. Lee said and I nodded and left the classroom. 

I walked back to my class and sat beside Umji.

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