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Yerin's pov

I was running in the rain as I had woken up late and I missed the bus. My mom left early and I didn't have a car to drive. I got into the school and found myself standing in an empty hallway. Students were passing by minding their own business. I walked to my class as I was already 25 minutes late. I opened the door and saw Mrs.Lee teaching her regular lessons. 

"Ms. Jung...you're late once again. Why don't you go to the girl's locker room and change out of your wet clothes," Mrs. Lee said and I nodded putting my stuff down. "Mr. Kim please go with her so she's okay. Please don't Lisa touch her," I heard her say as I left the classroom. 

On my way out I saw Lisa. Lisa a.k.a  the person who makes my life miserable. I walked pass by her but she pushed me onto the floor. 

"Hey, brat. You should leave this school. You shouldn't be here anyway. No one even likes you, plus your friends are gonna leave you," She said as she pulls my collar of my wet shirt. Tears started to form from my eyes. "Oh, also stay away from my oppa because he doesn't even like you. You're just stupid girl who doesn't get anything," I had enough and I slapped her. I got up and ran but she pulled my hair and pulled me down to the ground. 

"LISA! WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING!" We both heard Mrs. Lee said and when I looked up at Lisa she was being escorted to the principal's office. I sat up and saw every teacher outside of their classroom. I got up and walked to the girl's locker room. I had changed into my extra school uniform I kept in my gym locker if something happened to the one I was wearing.

I walked out of the locker room and was met with Taehyung holding my stuff. I quickly grabbed it and walked away. Taehyung has been my school crush for a while but to be specific 4 years now. I walked to my next class which was world history. I sat down in my regular seat and written on the board was 'partners & projects'. I let out a small groan as I hated projects and partners. I looked and saw Eunha sitting at her desk reading a book. Behind her was Jungkook. I smirked and saw Jungkook staring at Eunha. When the teacher came in we started and he spoke about the project. 

"You'll work in partners and I'll be giving you 2 weeks to do this project. I will be assigning the partners in groups of four. I'll also assign you places in Korea. Let's start...." He read off names and when he reached my name I got shocked. "Jung Yerin. Jung Eunbi. Jeon Jungkook. Kim Taehyung. Incheon, South Korea." He said and I looked at Eunha was hiding behind her book. 

The class had ended and I was walking with Eunha to lunch. We were met with Lisa and Jisoo. They both walked up to us and we stopped. 

"So, little Ms. Jung....how does it feel? To be a little b*tch?" Lisa said and stepping forward and she is so close. 

"Are you bothering my girlfriend?" I heard Taehyung say and he put his arm around my shoulder. I looked and saw Jungkook holding Eunha's hand. 

"Are you bothering Eunha and Yerin?" Jungkook asked and Jisoo backed up but Lisa stayed in front of me. When Jisoo backed up she hit Jin. She smirked and grabbed Jin's hand. Sowon came from behind Jin and grabbed Jisoo's hand. Sowon was a Senior along with Jin. Jisoo was only a junior. Sowon's 5'8 and Jisoo is 5'4. 

Sowon looked down at her and said these words "Don't you dare touch my boyfriend and my friends," She said and Jisoo got scared and ran. Sowon then grabbed Lisa's shoulder. "Are you messing around with my friends?" She said and looked down at Lisa who was only 5'6. "I'M ASKING ARE YOU MESSING AROUND WITH MY FRIENDS? YOU ANSWER TO A SENIOR!" Sowon shouted which left Lisa scared. Lisa shook her head and ran. Sowon nodded and left with Jin for lunch. 

Taehyung's arm was still around me and I started to blush.

"You can take your arm off..." I said shy and grabbing his arm.

"I'm alright, Yerin," He said and kissed my cheek. I blush harder as I didn't know what to do. He pulled me to the lunch room. I saw Sowon and Jin who had bought lunch from a nearby store. They had ordered bento boxes for all of us. Taehyung hasn't let go of my hand. He dropped me off to my class and picked me up. It was the end of the day and I was at my locker. Taehyung wrapped his arms around me and kissed my cheek. My phone started to ring. 

"Hello?" I asked into the phone

"I'm outside, honey," I heard my mom's voice and she hung up.

"You want a ride?" I asked and grabbed my books. He nodded and we walked to my mom's car.

"Hello, Mrs. Jung," He said as we got into the car.

"Hello..." My mom said and then I said Taehyung, "Taehyung," She said and smiled as he sat in the back while I sat in the passenger seat. Eunha and Jungkook came and I whispered Jungkook into my mom's ear.

"Hi, Mrs.Jung," Jungkook and Eunha said as they got into the car.

"Good Evening, Eunha....Jungkook," My mom said and she dropped us off at my house as she left to go to work again. Jungkook and Eunha were on the floor looking over homework. While Taehyung and I were in my room talking about the project. 

"You know....I haven't met a girl like you," Taehyung smirked and I hid behind a pillow. My hair was in a bun and two stands were in front of my face. Taehyung took the pillow and kissed me on the lips. He pulled away and smirked. I grab a pillow and hit him on the side. He grabbed my side and kissed my cheek. "I love you...forever," He said and hugged me.


NEW CHapter! Oh my god....I cried as I heard what happened to Taehyung and Yerin. Please rest well both of you. You both have been working hard. Another chapter soon.....Bangchin edition. I hope you vote....I love you all and how you guys bear with me and all my busy schedule. WHy am I updating another chapter? Oh, because I'm joining a club tomorrow after school and I don't know how long it's gonna take to do homework and the club. I'm trying to be in more clubs this year as this is my last year in my middle school. I'm joining Safety Zone(LGBTQ+ supporter), Yearbook Club, and Multicultural Club(Plans out things like thanksgiving decoration). I am updating tomorrow maybe. I currently have a busy schedule. I have a Physics quiz tomorrow and an Algebra quiz on Thursday. 

Safety Zone-Fridays
Multicultural Club-Wednesdays
Yearbook Club-Tuesdays

I love you all and I hope you have wonderful day/night where ever you are. Thank you to @SinHopeLover for always voting on my chapters of my books. Love your books by the way. <3


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