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A/N: New chapter today. School edition and I thought about this while doing homework and decided to write a chapter about it. Okay for this chapter Ailee is a Junior(grade 11) and Namjoon is a Senior(grade 12)

Ailee's pov

I walked to my locker running late to class. My hands were shaking as I opened my locker. I quickly grab my textbooks I needed for class and shut my locker. I ran to my class but I heard a person saying my name but I didn't care. I opened the door to my classroom and everyone's eyes were on me. 

"Ms. Lee you are late once again please take a seat," Mr.Choi said and looking at me angrily. "Alright, I would like your homework from last night," Mr. Choi said and walked up to each student. 

The door then opened revealing two Seniors. They both had black sweaters on with the numbers '21' and '82'. Mr. Choi had walked up to his desk to grab a notepad and pen. The two seniors walked up to Mr. Choi and handed him a piece of paper. 

"Ms. Lee, please go to the office and please don't go to class without your homework," He said and holding up my homework. I quickly got embarrassed and then got up. I grabbed my textbooks and followed the two seniors. 

"So are you Lee Yejin?" The first guy asked and I nodded, "Oh, my name is Jimin," He said smiling.

"My name is Namjoon. So your parents called the office and you need to go home,"  Namjoon said handing me a yellow piece of paper.

"If you want I can drive you to your house?" Jimin said with a smirk.

"I'm okay," I said and then Namjoon grabbed my books

"Hey, Jimin tell the guys I'm going out for a few minutes," He said and walked out of the school. Seniors get to leave the school anytime they wanted but had to be back under thirty minutes. 

"I said I can go hom-," Namjoon cut me off

"I'll drive you don't worry I'm not gonna hurt you," He said and laughed a bit. I looked up at him and then saw his dimples. We walked to his car and then he opened the door for me. I smiled and got in. I grabbed my books and he drove while I gave him directions. When we got to the house I saw a moving truck in front of our house. I got out quickly with a confused face. I saw my parent putting things in the car.

"Eomma what's happening?" I asked

"We're moving to a shared house." She said 

"Who are we sharing the house with?" I asked again 

"I asked Namjoon to drop you off because we're going to share his house. I'm very good friends with his parents," she said putting a box in her car. "Go get your stuff. Your name is on it," She said and I went inside. I went to my old room which is empty now. There were 5 boxes and two suitcases. I put my stuff in a duffle bag and bring down the stuff. 

"Put it in Namjoon's car," My eyes widen as she said that. Namjoon got out of his car and grabbed the box out of my hand and he opened the back of his car. I grabbed the other boxes and put it into Namjoon's car. 

I finished putting the boxes in Namjoon's car. We both got excused from school since I had to move and he's helping me. We rode together to his house and the car ride was silent. When we got to the house we were greeted by his parents.

"You must be Lee Yejin. Nice to meet you. My son has ta-" Namjoon cut his mom off

"I'll show her room, eomma," he said carried a box into the house. We walked up stairs to the second floor and Namjoon opened the door to a room. I went in and Namjoon put the box down. "This is your room and my room is right across from yours so if you need anything just knock," he said and went down to get the boxes. I started to unpack and Namjoon went to his room after he finished unloading the car. While I was unpacking I heard shouting from Namjoon's room.

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