[K.Y.W & M.Y.G]

693 34 3

Yewon's pov

My feet are crunching down onto the white snow.

It had snowed this morning.

I walked to school walking from my house.

My hands are stuffed into my jacket pockets.

As I approached the school I walk into it and in the corner of my eye, I can spot someone. 

Min Yoongi.

I keep walking into the school and to my lockers.

My hands stop shaking from the cold as the heat warms me up.

In the corner of my eye, I can see Min Yoongi passing by.

He had his headphones on as he walks the halls.

I head the other way and go to my first-period class.

Here's the thing.

Even though I'm younger I have higher classes them him. 

We're in different years.

I walked into my class and see Sinb walking into History.

Sinb has History with Yoongi.

She had a bet with me.

'If I have one class-not gym class-an actually class with him. You have to ask him out to the dance or on a date,'

I sighed and walked into the classroom.

I sat down in my seat and look at an empty seat beside of me.


That seat is always taken.

I sit there for a good five minutes. 

We're waiting for the teacher to come in. 

When he does he has a boy next to him.

"Alright. We have a new student joining this class,"

This class was AP Calculus. (Advance Placement Calculus.)

"Let's all welcome Mr. Min Yoongi," The teacher announces

My head snaps up.

Min Yoongi is in my AP Class?

"Hello...my name is Min Yoongi. Nice to meet you," He said

"You may sit next to Yewon. Yewon raise your hand," He said and I did.

I raised it and put it down.

"Alright, Let's get started," He said and started writing down equations.

I start writing them down and then I solved them.

I can see Yoongi stealing glances at me.

My phone gives a small buzz in my pocket.

I open it and it's from Sinb.

Yoongi transferred to another class.
But that bet is still on

I sighed.

he transferred to AP Calculus.
A class you can't get into.

I said and put my phone away.

I quickly write down the last few equations and then solved them.

The bell rang indicating it's the end of the period. 

I have a free period next.

I take that time to solve the equations and ask for help from Mr. Oh.

bangchin: one-shot/imagines 1Where stories live. Discover now