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Third Person pov

"Can you just stop?!" Yuju shouted

"Oh...come on Yuju. Stop acting that way," Dokyeom said and put his hands on Yuju's waist.

"DK! JUST STOP PLEASE!" Yuju shouted louder

"Why? I know you want it..." He said as he whispers it into her ear.

"Please, Dokyeom...Just stop," Yuju said as she started to cry. Dokyeoms lips are now on her neck. His hands are traveling under her shirt. "Please, stop..." She repeated as she's being pushed up against the lockers.

"WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING?" Jimin shouted from the end of the hall. Behind him is his friends and Yuju's best friends.

"YAH! DOKYEOM! WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING TO MY  FRIEND!" Sinb shouts and she's ready to go after Dk. 

"Nothing...we're just having fun," Dokyeom says with a smirk on his face.

'Help me,' Yuju mouths to her friends.

Namjoon and Jin went to get a teacher. Jimin examines Yuju. She's shaking in fear. Purple marks are on her neck. Her shirt is disheveled. Jimin eyes are now on Dokyeom. Dokyeom still has a smirk on his face. Jimin advances and attacks Dokyeom.

Yuju's pov

I wake up quickly. Cold sweat is dripping down my face. My breathing is heavy. 

"What was that?" I asked myself.

I walked down to the kitchen and see Sowon and Umji.

"You're awake early?" Sowon said

"What do you mean?" I asked and grabbed a water.

"It's like 6 in the morning," Umji said

"Really," I said and saw the time. It was 6:02.

"Another nightmare?" Sowon asked

"Yeah," I said

"What was it about?" Umji asked

"I don't want to talk about it," I said

"Alright," Umji said

I walked back to my room and sat down. I texted Jimin but then I second guess. He's probably asleep still.

I grab my coat and shoes.

"I'm going to Jimin's," I said

"Alright, just be back until dinner," Sowon said 

"Alright," I said. I put on my jacket and walked to Jimin's house. I walked to his house and knocked.

"Good Morning, Yuna," Mrs. Park said

"Good Morning, Mrs. Park. Is Jimin upstairs?" I asked

"I think so," she said and then let me in. "PARK JIMIN! YOU HAVE A VISITOR!" His mom shouted and we hear and a loud bang.

"Coming," Jimin shouted. "Who's here, eomma?" Jimin asked. He looked at me and blushed. 

"Hey," I said. I started laughing. He was shirtless.

"WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME YUJU WAS HERE! I THOUGHT IT WAS JIN OR JUNGKOOK!" Jimin shouted and ran back to his room. I laugh a bit. 

"You can go up," His mom said. I walked up the stairs.

"Hey, are you alright?" I asked 

"Yeah," Jimin said and grabbed a shirt in his closet. His cheeks are still tinted with pink.

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