[U m g a] Pt. 2/2

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Umji's pov

We're in the living room together watching movies. I sat on the floor with Sinb while Suga and Hoseok were on the couch. We were watching a horror movie and whenever something scary happens Hoseok would always jump and spill the popcorn Suga and him are sharing.

"YAH! SINB-AH CHANGE THE MOVIE!" Hoseok shouted and hide behind the blanket.

"No...watch through it," She said and popped a popcorn in her mouth. 

It's now 5 am in the morning. 

"Hey, I have to get going," I said.

"Why??!" Sinb said and drank a can of soda

"I have to go the library and then I have to go to the bookshop to open up," I said 

"Oh..." She said 

"Don't you have work?" I asked

"Yeah, at 7 in the morning," She said

"Alright, I'll see you later," I said and grabbed my bag. "Tell Suga I went," I said and saw Suga asleep. 

I walked to the library and grabbed books to check out. I sat in my regular seat and started to finish my homework. The doors to the library opened and revealed Suga.

"Why didn't you wake me up?" He said and sat beside me.

"Well, you were sleeping peacefully and I didn't want to disturb you," I said while skimming the books

"Yah! Look at me when you speak," He said and moved my chin to face him. "I'll be back. Don't leave me," He said and I nodded. 

He got up and moved to the textbooks on the shelves. I sat there trying to process everything. I went back to everything and finished everything. He sat down across from me and did his own work. 

My phone starts to vibrate and I get an alarm. Suga and I have been doing our work for 2 hours. I looked at him. He looks at me.

"Let's go?" I asked and he nodded and checked some books out.

We walked to the coffee shop and talked for a bit.

"Your usually?" Sinb asked and we both nodded. She tells Hoseok two orders of Americanos and 2 chocolate chip cookies.  

We sat down and he asked me something.

"How old are you?" He asked 

"17...you?" I asked

"22...why? I'm just finishing up my studies," He said and smiled. I notice his gummy smile. Which was honestly cute.

"Your orders are ready," Hoseok asked and we grabbed it and we walked to the bookshop.

"Hey, where are you going after this?" He asked

"Home maybe," I said

"Hey, I said to look at me when you talk or answer me," He said and he moves my chin towards him. He was in front of the counter while I was behind it trying to read a book.

"Sorry," I said and looked down

"It's alright," He said and smiled

"You know your smile is cute," I whispered

"What was that?" He asked

"Nothing," I said

"Hey, I heard something. Tell me," He said 

"I said your smile is cute," I said and blushed furiously

"You look cute when you blush," He said and I blush even more. I put my hands in front of my face. "Hey, don't hide your cute face," He said and moved my hands. "Can you smile for me?" He asked. I smiled and he shows his own smile. Which made me laugh a bit. "What's so funny?" He asked

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