[E u n k o o k] Pt.2/3

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Eunha's pov

We walked to the convenience store just a few blocks from the restaurant. We walked in silences until we walked into the store.

"You can go now. I'm alright," I said simply

"What makes you think I'm leaving so soon," He asked

"I don't know. I just thought you had to go somewhere..." I said and placing my bag down on the floor and getting behind the cash register.

"No..." He said and wandered off into the store. He comes back with a pack of ramen, tteokbokki and a can of beer. He smiles and I scan it. Once he pays he goes in the back where the microwave and hot water are and starts to prepare the ramen and tteokbokki. I watch him and he goes in the back again and grabs another can of beer. He comes to the register and pays.

"Why do you need another beer?" I asked

"It's for you," He said and the microwave starts to beep. "Come on, no one is here. Let's eat for a bit..." He said and now I'm debating.

"But, I have work to do right now, Jungkook..." I said and I know if I go to break I'm gonna get in trouble.

"Please...noona," He said which makes me blush

"Um....Alright...just for now," I said and walk to the back. 

We mixed the tteokbokki and ramen to make rabokki. We talk for a while.

"How's your roommate?" He asked

"It's actually roommates. They're great. A bit loud. Weird. But they're really fun. Don't you have roommates also..." I said and he feeds me one of the tteokbokki in the bowl.

"Actually...I do and I heard that we're getting a new roommate...His name is Namjoon. He knows how to speak English..." Jungkook says as he puts ramen into his mouth. I smiled. 

"Hey, I have to get back to work. This was great," I said and smiled. I garb the beer can and finish it. I throw it out and Jungkook's on his phone. "Who are you texting? Let me guess...Is it your girlfriend?" I asked and smirked

"No...It's Jin-hyung. He's looking for me..." He said and throws everything away and grabs his jacket. He walks past me but stops. " I don't have a girlfriend, noona..." He said and walks out of the store. I watched him get on his motorcycle and leave. 

"Snap out of it Eunbi..." I said under my breath and a customer comes in. 

It's almost 2 in the morning and my shift is done. I get out and I get a text.

Are you out yet?
I'll pick you up
Just text me
It's Jungkook by the way

I smiled and text him back

I'm out. My shift just finished.
Are you asleep?
I'll see you tomorrow
Don't worry I'll walk
It stopped raining aways.

I text and walked into the apartment I shared. I take my shoes off and go to my room. I see Sowon-unnie asleep already. I put my stuff down. I change out of my clothes and I get a phone call.

"Hello?" I asked

"Hey, are you out?" I heard Jungkook say. It seems like he just woke up. 

"Yeah, I just got home," I said and got in bed. "Did I wake you from my texts?" I asked

"No...it's okay," He said and I heard shuffling. "I'm coming over..." He said

"You can't. No boys are allowed in our apartment," I said

"Oh...." He said

"It's alright...Oh! Did you hear?" I asked

"What?" He asked

"The restaurant is closed tomorrow..." I said and got up. I put on a jacket and shoes. I was going to go to Jungkook's apartment.

"REALLY!" He shouted and then grew quiet. "oh...sorry. Hey, that means I don't see you tomorrow," He said and I rolled my eyes. "You better not be rolling your eyes at that," He said and I was speechless. 

"How did you know," I said

"I know you, noona..." He said

"Don't call me noona..." I said and wrote a quick note to the girls. I finished and I grab my bag. 

"What do you want me to call you? Jagiya?" He said and I started to blush

"Erm.....I-i do-don't kno-know...." I said and started to walk

"It's alright, Jagiya," He said and a car passes by and beeps. "Are you outside?" He said and I saw Jin inside the car.

"Yeah, just going for a walk. Hey, I have to go. Call you back later," I said and hung up.

"Eunha? Why are you out this late?" Jin oppa asked

"Oh...I was going to go see Jungkook-ah," I said.

"You want a ride? I'm heading home right now," He said and I nodded

Jungkook starts to call again. I picked up.

"Oh...Jungkook-ah? What's wrong?" I asked

"Nothing? Where are you?" He said 

"I'm wit-" I get cut off with Jin

"Yah...Eunha...we're here. Let's go," Jin oppa says

"Oh...thank you oppa," I said and got out

"Oppa? Eunha! WHO ARE YOU WITH???" He shouted 

"I'm with----" My phone then dies

"Goddammit," I said and walk into the apartment

"Jungkook's room is upstairs first door to the left," Jin says and puts down the grocery

I walk upstairs and knock.

"Who is it?" I heard from the other side. I walked inside and saw Jungkook.

"Hey," I said and he looks up at me. "Are you okay?" I asked

"Yeah," He said and looks the other way "Who were you with?" He asked again

"Jin oppa...why?" I said

"Nothing...." He said, "Why are you here?" He asked

"I wanted to see you," I said



A new chapter is out! The Final chapter will be out in a few minutes. I'm currently working on it. I don't know if the next chapter will contain some small smut. If you are not comfortable with smut you don't have to read the next chapter. I'm sorry.

I'm sorry if this is late. I was trying to do homework.

Also, did anyone see BTS on the Ellen Show today?



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