Yumin ft. Daerosé

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Third person.

The whole dorm room was silent. Nothing can be heard except for the small snores coming from two sophomores. Sunlight peeking through the blinds.

Meet Park Chaeyoung and Choi Yuna. They've been best friends since the beginning. Both love to sing. They go to the same university. On Saturdays and Sundays they would go to karaoke.

It's Monday morning and the girls are still asleep. Not much longer an alarm goes off. After that another one goes off. Yuju has always set an alarm at 7:45. Rosé has always put an alarm at 7:47.

The two girls are awoken and both look at each other. They let out small giggles as they look at each other. Bed heads. They get up from their beds and walk onto the cold floors. Shivers are sent down their spines.

Yuju has walked into the bathroom to freshen up. As for Rosé, she walks to the kitchen and grabs some pancake mix. She places a pan on the stove and turns on the heat. Yuju gets out and Rosé goes into the bathroom. Yuju starts to make the pancake and finish them up. Rosé fixes the table and Yuju places the pancakes down.

"When does your class start?" Yuju asked Rosé as she places a piece of pancake in her mouth.

"I have English at 9...you?" Rosé asked

"History at 9:10..." Yuju said and keeps eating.

The girls finish and head to their classes. As the girls get their shoes on, two boys are standing outside.

Meet Jung Daehyun and Park Jimin. Number one playboys in school. Their groups consists of members ranging from graduated members to sophomore. Both boys were the playboys in the group.

Both girls roll their eyes and walk past the boys. The boys smirk and follow the girls. Yuju links her arm to Rosé and pulls her past the boys.  Both girls walked away but the guys reached them and stopped them mid way.

"What do you want?" Yuju asked annoyed

"Come with us," Jimin said

"Why should we. We have class to go to," Rosé said and looked at Daehyun.

"Skip," Daehyun said simply.

"We are not skipping!" Rosé said and had a mad expression

"Let's go," Jimin said and pulled Yuju to the parking lot.

"We didn't agree to this!" Yuju said and then saw Rosé beefing pulled by Daehyun.

The girls then get in the back of the car. The guys in front. Daehyun drove and the girls were confused and looked at the guys.

"Where are we?" Rosé asked as she looked at Daehyun.

"It's our favorite place...we always go here," Jimin said and looked at both girls.

The car comes to a stop. The girls get out and they look around. They only see hills and grass.

"Is this where you go sometimes?" Yuju asked

The boys nod. They walked around and Rosé jumps onto Daehyun's back. Rosé laughs and then Daehyun runs. You can hear a small squeak from Rosé.

"Yah Jung Daehyun! Don't you drop her!" Yuju shouts.

"You want to come on?" Jimin asked and then Yuju jumps onto his back.

"Let's race!" Rosé shouted

Both have fun for the rest of the day and the the girls forget about how the guys were known as bad boys. They sit on the fields and the girls rest their heads on the boy's shoulder.

"Do you guys think we're bad people?" Daehyun asked and then looked at Rosé.

The girls hake their heads no. At first they did but not anymore. Jimin grabs Yuju's hand and kissed her forehead.

Yuju smiles and kissed Jimin's cheek.

"Get a room!" Daehyun and Rosé shouted.

Jimin and Yuju laughed. Jimin pulls Yuju close and kissed her once more. Yuju giggles and kissed Jimin.

Hey guys. I'm closing my account for now but I really am trying hard to update. Also go check out Kkoke_99 's books. I really love her books. Also follow her on Instagram. Bapinkinyourarea. Also follow me on Instagram Heavenly.Ships.


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