[Y u m i n]

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Yuju's pov

"I'll see you later!" I shouted and ran out of the house. My mom and sister were in the kitchen making breakfast. 

I ran out and tried to catch the bus. I ran and made it to the bus stop but it was gone. I sighed and started to walk to school. I wrap the scarf in my hand around my neck. It was currently winter here. I hear cars passing by as I walked to the school. My feet are crushing the snow underneath me. I reach the front gate and head inside. Everyone is putting books in and out. I run to my locker and open it. I put everything away and close my locker. I turn around and see Jimin.

"Did you miss the bus?" He asked and I nodded. "You want some coffee?" He asked

"Um....Sure," I said and he hands me the coffee he was holding. "Thank you," I said and drank some. We walked to class and he sat behind me. 

"You want a ride tomorrow?" he asked as he played with my hair.

"No...I'm alright," I said and sneezed.

"Come on. If you walk again you're going to get sick," Jimin said and stopped playing with my hair. 

"Alright, just pick me up..." I said and turned my attention towards the teacher. I write everything down, but I kept sneezing and coughing. The teacher insisted me going to the nurse's office.

I walked down with my stuff in my hand and went in. She took my temperature and called my mom to come. She didn't pick up. 

"Do you have anyone to bring you home?" the nurse asked.

"Um..." I said and started to think.....JIMIN. "Yes...Park Jimin..." I said and she called down to the classroom. 

I waited for him and looked at my phone. The door opened and it was Jimin.

"You ready?" He asked. He was holding my jacket and scarf. I smiled. 

Honestly, he's good boyfriend material. Even though he's not my boyfriend.

"Yeah," I said and walked to him. 

I put on my jacket and scarf. We walked to his car. I sat down in the front and he starts the car. He drives to my house and turns the engine off. I get out and he takes my stuff. I open the door and let Jimin in. The babysitter looks towards the door.

"Hey, you can go home early. I'll take it from here," I said and smiled. I hand her the money and she smiles. She says goodbye to my sister and me.

"Unnie? Why are you home?" She asked.

"I'm not feeling well," I said and hugs me. I sit down on the couch and Jimin puts down our stuff. 

He goes to the kitchen and makes some soup. My sister grabs some blankets and turns on the TV. She sits beside me and keeps hugging me. I kiss her forehead and she falls asleep.

"Here," I heard Jimin say and he brings out a bowl of soup. 

"Thank you," I said and he starts to feed me. 

I finished the soup. He lies down beside me and I fall asleep. 

Sometimes you need a best friend by your side....

I woke up in my room...

Jimin was beside me.

I smiled.

His eyes opened.

He smiled.

He kissed me.

I kissed him.

"I love you..." He said

"I love you too...." I said.

I couldn't believe I said that.

He smiled and hugged me tightly.

I hugged him tightly too.


Happy Thanksgiving to all. I'm thankful to be writing. I wrote a short but sweet chapter for you all. I've been doing some mood boards. Example up above^^

Coming up





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