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Umji's pov

I walked downstairs and greeted my parents. They were in the living room with another family.

"Oh. Nice to meet you. My name is Kim Yewon but you can call me Umji," I said and raise my thumbs. They laughed except for their son.

"Greet yourself, please..." I heard his mother say.

"Hi, Nice to meet you. My name is Min Yoongi. You can call me Suga," He said smiled. His smile was unique. He has a gummy smile. I smile.

"Oh. Appa. Can I borrow the car? I need to pick up Sinb from dance practice," I said

"Yeah. The keys are in the kitchen. Drive careful," My dad said and he pointed at the counter. I walked over and grabbed them. I walk outside and open the car. I drove into the city and texted Sinb.


Are you here yet?
I'm outside
I'm with Hoseok

I see you

I stop the car and the get in. 

"Why are you late?" Sinb asked

"We have new neighbors," I said 

"Really?!" Sinb said and looked at me. I was trying to focus on the road.

"What's his name?" I heard Hoseok say from the back.

"Min Yoongi," I said.

"Wait...Do you mean him?" Hoseok asked and showed me a picture. Thankful it was a red light. I looked at the picture and it was Yoongi.

"Yeah...How did you find that?" I asked

"He's transferring into our school. A bunch of people are posting about him," Hoseok said.

"Alright..." I said and continued to drive

Three weeks later

I would see Yoongi with a lot of friends. A lot of girls are always surrounding him. His locker in beside mine and sometimes I can't get my stuff out. 

I walked to my locker since it was the last period and I can see a lot of girls already surrounding his locker. I see Sinb waiting by my locker. She's ready to open it. Once I came she pulled everything I needed out. I put my other books in. This was our system since Yoongi came. 

"OH! CAN YOU GIVE THIS TO YOONGI!!" I heard from the millions of girls say. The girls started to pile flowers and chocolate on top of my stuff and Sinb's stuff. I rolled my eyes. They all left and I grabbed an extra bag in my locker. We dumped everything the girls gave to Sinb and I. We walked home.

While we walked we heard a honk. We turn around and saw Hoseok and Yoongi inside a car. 

"You want a ride?" Hoseok asked. Sinb looks at her phone and I can see that her dance class starts in 20 minutes. We nod and hop in. 

"Oh. Yoongi. Here," I said and gave the bag full of flowers and chocolate. 

"What are these?" He asked with a confused face

"Things from your admires," I said

"Is one of them you?" He asked smirking.

"No...I don't want to be one those girls," I said and rolled my eyes. We came to a stop. 

"Get out...We have to get to dance practice," Hoseok said.

"Yo! You don't have to be rude," I said and got out.

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