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[Eunha's pov]

I walked down the hallway looking for Sana.

I see her with Mark and walk over.

"Hey," I said waving to both of them

"Hey, we're going to the movies tonight..." Sana said, "You want to come?" She asked 

"I'm going to pass tonight..." I said

"Hey, you want to come to the pep rally on Friday?" Mark asked

"Maybe..." I said

"Jungkook is playing at the homecoming game..." Mark said

"I know...you guys have reminded me five times..." I said

"Sorry..." Sana said, "He said he's going to be asking someone today..." Sana squealed

"Yeah...I bet he's going to ask one of the cheerleaders..." I said rolling my eyes.

"Oh, come on...Jungkook's not like that," Mark said

"Sure, okay," I said

"Okay, then...there's Jungkook. Let's ask him," Sana said

"What?" I said and my eyes widened

"Hey, Jungkook!" Mark said and running pass me

I turn around and see Jungkook wearing his jersey.

"Sana, I'm going...I have to get to class," I said

"Hey, Eunha!" I heard his voice

I stop in my tracks.

I turn around.

"Hey, Jungkook," I said and waving at him

"Hey...oh! Are you coming to the Homecoming game?" He asked

"I don't know..." I said

"How about the Pep Rally?" He asked

"I still don't know," I said holding my books tightly

"If you are, can you remind me?" Jungkook said smiling

"Sure, but right now...I have to go," I said and turning my heel

I walked into my classroom and sat down.

I watched more student come in and sit down.

Jungkook comes in last and taking a seat in front of me.

"Hey," He said and smiling at me

"Hey," I said back to him 

"You're skipping on movie night?" Jungkook asked

"Yeah..." I said, "Just for tonight," I said

"Why?" he asked

"I don't know...I have to do something tonight," I said

"Oh come on! You wouldn't miss any movie night!" he said

"I know...but it's just one night," I said

"But, I'll be the third wheel," he said whining

"That's not my problem," I said smiling.

He turns around and looks at the board.

I look up at the board.

[At Home]

I drop my bag onto my bed.

I open the TV and plug my phone in.

My phone then rings.

"Hello?" I answered 

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