[G I F T S-Sinhope]

546 31 5

Sinb pov

My eyes open as another Christmas is here. I look at my white ceiling. I sighed and sat up.

"UNNIE!!" I hear my sister running into my room. She jumps on my bed.

"HWANG EUNBIN! COME BACK HERE!" I hear a male voice.

My eyes turn towards the door. Jung Hoseok.

"Oh...Sinb, I didn't know that you were awake. I was just getting Eunbin here to keep quiet," He said and I smiled.

"It's alright," I said, "Eunbin...are you listening to J-Hope?" I asked and she shook her head, "Why?" I asked

"He said I shouldn't disturb you even though breakfast is done," She said pouting.

"You made breakfast?" I questioned.

"Yeah, it's Christmas. I decided to come and visit your family for Christmas. I brought presents for you guys," He said.

"Eunbin...go with J-Hope and I'll be right out," I said and she nodded and ran off with Hoseok.

I walked to the bathroom and took a quick shower. When I got out I got a text message from Eunha. 

come pick me up. can you drop me 
off at Jungkooks?

I texted back sure and I change into polo with a red sweater on top and black pants. I grab a beige jacket and beige heels. I walk downstairs and grab the keys.

"Eomma, I'm going to Eunha's," I said

"Bring Hoseok with you," She said and she walks out of the kitchen with a mixing bowl. 

"Alright," I said, "YAH! HOSEOK! LET'S GO!" I shouted

"Yah! I'm older than you," He said

"So...what are you going to go?" I asked and stuck my tongue out.

"Nothing..." He said and got into the car.

I drove to Eunha's and she got in.

"Hey, Hoseok...why are you looking down? Did Sinb-ah say something mean?" Eunha asked 

"YAH! What are you talking about?" I asked

"It's nothing Eunha," Hoseok said and he looked out the window.

"Go by Jungkook's house, please," Eunha said as she put on her seatbelt.

"Alright," I said.

I drove to Jungkook's house and stopped the car.

"YAH! Be careful alright," I said as she got out of the car and onto the snow-covered grass.

"Can you drop me off?" Hoseok asked

"Why? I thought you were staying with us?" I asked confused

"I'm not feeling well," He said and stared out the window.

"Alright," I said and sighed.

I drove home but made a quick stop to Hoseok's house.

"I hope you feel better," I said

"Thanks," He said and got out

I drove home and locked the car.

"I'm home," I shouted

"UNNIE! LET'S OPEN PRESENTS!" Eunbin shouted and pulled me to the living room.

"Alright," I said and picked her up. 

I set her on the couch and then my mom gave me a small box wrapped in shiny red paper.

"Who is it from?" I asked

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