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Ailee's pov

I got out of the car and I'm faced with a building. I looked up and saw there was no sign or words if I was in the right building. I just shrug and walk into the building. I walked to the receptionist and asked something.

"Hi, is this big hit entertainment?" I asked her and reading the words off my phone

"Yes, and you are..." She waited until I answered

"Ailee. I'm here to see Na-" I got cut off when her eyes were shocked at who I was. She then grabbed my arm and we go up the elevator.  The whole way up was silent. The door opens and I followed her. She opened a door and in the room are six girls, seven guys, and two managers.

"Mr. Bang Si-Hyuk. Ailee is here," She said and she left. 

"Annyeonghaseyo," I said and bowed.

"Annyeonghaseyo, Ailee. Please take a seat next to Eunha," He said as he pointed to a girl with short hair. 

"So we're here to discuss to you about a tv show. The TV show is called "We Got Married", Alright?" He said and we were shocked

"The main cast will be Namjoon and Ailee..." I froze as I heard my name "Is that alright with you both?" We made eye contact since he was in front of me. We both nodded and broke the eye contact. 

"The other couples will be...Sinb and J-Hope, Eunha and Jungkook, Sowon and Jin, Umji and Suga, Yerin and Taehyung, Yuju and Jimin. Alright you guys get to know each other. Get out of here so we can discuss," Bang SiHyuk said and we got up and went to a nearby place to each. We had to walk to a nearby place with many vendors.

"Let's go eat and talk..." I heard Eunha said as she held her Unnie's arm and we walked to different vendors selling different things. I picked out some of my favorites and paid for it. 

We found a place to sit and eat. Namjoon had sat next to me as everyone was paired off. Sowon and Eunha. Sinb and Yuju. Yerin and Umji. Jin and Jungkook. J-Hope and Jimin. Taehyung and Suga. After we ate the girls and I were going to an ice cream parlor but also the guys were following. I had bought the girls ice cream and it was my treat for them. I saw Namjoon looking at me and got up as I was holding so many ice creams in my hand.  He took some and I smiled at me. We were sitting and I always saw Namjoon glancing over at me. Time passed and we were in BTS dorm room. We were in the living room playing pranks at each other. Namjoon was in the kitchen but I don't know why. The others told me that he's a bad cook. I'm sitting there laughing along with the others when we hear Namjoon's bedroom door slam close. We all thought he was in the kitchen but he was apparently in his room. I got up and walked to the door that said 'RAPMON'. I knocked and there was no answer. I knock but no answer. I let myself in and found Namjoon on his bed. I opened his lamp and he hid under his blanket. I sat next to him.

"Namjoon are you alright?" I asked him

"Yeah, you can leave...." He said 

"Are you sure? You can tell me..." I said and noticed his head popped out. He was hugging a Ryan bear. I smile since this was really cute. 

"Can you close the door so the other doesn't eavesdrop?" He asked and I nodded. I closed the door and went back. He was now sitting up. "Do you like anyone else in BTS?" He asked as I sat down.

"No, why," I said "You know that WGM is just a fake thing right," I said and he nodded

"Yeah, I now that," He said in a sad tone, but why? I then realized that he must've liked me.

"Do you like me?" I asked and his cheeks start to heat up.

"No...why," He said and he hugged the Ryan tighter. I smirk and noticed he was wearing these round glasses.

 I smirk and noticed he was wearing these round glasses

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I grabbed them off and leaned in. I kissed him on the lips. I liked him too. Ever since I landed eyes on him today. I don't really do love at first sight.


YEAH! NEW CHAPTER! I don't know if I have time for another chapter, but don't worry. I skipped my homework once again but my cold is going away. 

QOTD: Where do you live? like the country/state

AOTD: I live in New Jersey, United States

Sorry for the short chapter. ANother chapter soon though. Yumin chapter soon. Please follow me on my platforms.

Instagram: @/Itsheavenly369

Twitter: @/KandyKitten768


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