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Suga pov

"Yah! Stop moving," I said.

"Mianhae Suga sunbae," She says

"Yah! Yewon what even happened?" I asked

"Nothing sunbae..." She said and stayed quiet.

"What do you mean nothing happened?" I shouted making her close her eyes. "Mianhae,"

"It's okay," She said and sighed

She's been getting bullied. I want it to stop. She just won't tell me. But I already know what she's going through. Her friends tell me everything. I might be a cold person but I care for someone I love. 

"Just get dried off. I'll bring some clothes in," I said and walked to my room. I grab one of the white t-shirts and a pair of shorts from my her room. I also grab a pair of socks for her. 

"Sunbae? Are you mad?" She asked when I came back into the bathroom. She's still in the bathtub. Her hair is in a bun dripping wet. 

"No...Umji-ah," I said and sighed, "Come on a get dried off. I brought you clothes," I said and put it down by the sink. 

I went straight to my room and while I wait for her I hear the front door open.

"SUGA!?" I heard my mother's voice, "Where are you?" She shouted again.

"Here, I am eomma," I said

"Is Umji here?" She asked

"Yeah, she's upstairs. She's just changing," I said

"Call her. I'm taking her out to eat and get some new clothes," She said

"Can I join?" I asked

"If you can handle it?" She said and I nodded.

I went upstairs and saw Umji getting out of the bathroom. 

"Eomma says to get dress she's taking you out," I said and Umji nods. Her hair was dripping and she goes to her room.

I walk into my room and change quickly.

I walk into my room and change quickly

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