[C H R I S T M A S]

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Sowon pov

I was in the kitchen with Yerin and Eunha. 

"Yuju-ah! Can you set up the table?" I shouted from the kitchen

"Sure, Unnie!" She shouted back and comes in grabbing plates and napkins.

"Where's Sinb?" I asked as I moved a pot from the stove to the countertop.

"She's taking a shower," Yuju said and Umji comes running in. Her hair is still wet.

"Go dry your hair first, Umji," I said and she looks at me.

"Alright, Unnie," She said and runs upstairs.

The doorbell rings.

"I'll get it, Unnie," Eunha said and stepped away from the mashed potatoes.

"Who is it?" I asked

"Unnie! It's Exy unnie and her friends," Eunha shouted from the front door.

"Hey, Sojung," Exy said and hugged me.

"Thanks for coming," I said

"I'm guessing you invited the others," Exy said and she was holding her jacket

"Yeah, Jihyo said they're on their way," I said

"Alright...Girls let's get this done," Exy said and clapped her hands and we all work together to get the place ready.

A few minutes later Jihyo and her friends came. 


Jin pov

"YAH! Did you guys hear the girls are having a Christmas party?" S.Coups said as we're on the couch and playing.

"No...where did you hear that?" I asked

"Dayoung posted it on Instagram..." S.Coups said and passed around his phone.

"We should go," Seungkwan said

"You just want to go because Dayoung is there," Dino said. I smirked

"Does Seungkwan have a crush on Dayoung?" Jackson asked 

"No..." Seungkwan said softly and blushed

"Guys, let's just go," I said and we all grabbed our jackets.


Sowon pov

"Yah! Where's Jeongyeon and Mina?" I asked

"They went to their parent's house," Jihyo said

"That's too bad," I said and then we hear the doorbell again.

"Who is that?" Momo asked as she places a dish on the table.

"I don't know, maybe it's Ailee," I said and the girls and I walked towards the door. I opened the door and it was Ailee.

"Hey, I sorry I'm late. There was traffic," She said and held out a dish with food

"That's okay, Unnie," Yuju said

"I'll take that. Come in," I said and took the baked brownies with chocolate ganache

"Come on let's take a picture," Dayoung said.

We huddle up and when we get ready the lights turn off.

"What happened?" Chaeyoung asked and she took her phone out.

"I think the power went out," I said. 

We then hear a creaking noise from the kitchen.

"What the hell is that!?"  Sinb said and grabbed something that was close to her.

"I don't know," I said as my voice was shaky.

"YAH! WHO THE HELL ARE YOU!" Dahyun shouted.

"Calm down. We didn't mean to scare you guys," A male voice said. I recognized that voice.

"Jin?" I said confused.

"Yeah, sorry..." Jin said and the lights went back on.

"I got it, Jin!" S.Coups said and ran in.

"Why are you guys here?" Exy asked

"Why didn't you guys invited us?" Jungkook asked

"We did...at school. We gave you guys those envelopes," Eunha said



"Why do girls keep inviting us to parties?" Jungkook said irritated

"I don't know, just throw it away," Joshua said and tossed the party invitation to the girl's party in the trash

"Let's go, we're going to be late," Namjoon said and they all through the invitations in the trash as they went to class.

*FlashBack Ended*


Sowon pov

"We kinda of through it away," Yoongi said.

"Why? What the hell is wrong with you!?" Umji said. 

She's mad. We all are. We invited the guys a week ago and we waited for their RSVP. Nothing from them.

"Let's just forget it," I said, "Let's have fun please," I said and we took a picture,

The camera is always going to stay up and there were different masks and hats if people wanted to take pictures. It was a mini photo booth.

The table was filled with food and drinks.

The house was filled with people I love and care about.


Short quick update for Christmas. Another one is coming up. Yumin and Sinhope probably. Anyone who requested after December 15th I'm not doing it until I have time because I said I'm not doing imagine requests after December 15th. I hope you guys enjoyed. 

This was a mixture of Bangchin, Gotwice, Cosmic Teens, and Namlee.

Thank for reading!!


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