[S O W J I N]

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Late Happy Birthday to these two December Babies!

Sowon pov [Year: 2027]

"Eomma?" I heard Sojin said from the living room. She came running into the kitchen. 

"Yes, Sojin?" I asked. She hugs my leg.

"When is Appa coming home?" she asked. 

I looked down at her. 

I smiled.

"Soon honey," I said and picked her up. 

I kissed her nose.

"Where's your brother?" I asked her.

"Sleeping," She said and hugged me around my neck.

"Alright, go play while I get dinner ready," I said and put her down. 

She then goes running.

I'm chopping carrots as I hear the door open.

"Sojung! I'm home!" Jin shouted from the front door. 

"APPA!" I hear Sojin shout from the living room.

I walked to the front door and see Sojin and Jin hugging.

Sojin is hanging from her father's neck.

I start laughing.

"Where's Seokjung?" Jin asked

"Upstairs...He's asleep," I said

"Alright, you want help in the kitchen?" Jin asked

"Sure," I said and smiled.

Jin comes into the kitchen and puts on an apron.

"Are you alright helping me? Aren't you tired?" I asked

"No...I just want to spend time with you right now," He said and put his arms around my waist.

We finished cooking and I walked upstairs to Seokjung. 

"Honey?" I said as I walked into his room. 

He was sleeping peacefully.

I sat down on the small bed. 

I'm smiling down at Seokjung. 

"Sowon...are you alright? Are you coming?" Jin asked as he held Sojin in his arms. 

Sojin came down from her father's arms and jumped onto Seokjung's bed.

"Eomma! Noona is being annoying!" Seokjung shouted as he crawls to me. 

He hugs me tightly.

"Sojin...come on...let's go," Jin said and Sojin runs to her father.

"Let's go eat Seokjung," I said and he nodded.

Seokjung and Sojin are a year apart.

Sojin was born in 2023

Seokjung was born in 2024

Jin is 36

I'm 33.

I had Sojin when I was 29.

I had Seokjung when I was 30.


"HAPPY BIRTHDAY APPA! EOMMA!" Sojin shouted as she jumps up and down on the bed. 

I opened my eyes and saw Seokjung holding his teddy bear and rubbing his eyes.

Sojin is jumping up and down.

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